Hang: how to achieve an ideal smile


To date, the most popular devices are elineers (or kappa) and braces. Let's look at what is each of the devices. Let's start with braces.

Dentist of the highest category Stepan Avtandilian

Dentist of the highest category Stepan Avtandilian


They are small locks that are attached to each tooth with the help of special glue separately, they are combined with a metal arc. The arc is attached to each lock with a piece of metal wire or elastic ligature rings. The effect of this arc is that it constantly strives for the initial position, while pulling his teeth.

Brequet systems, depending on the degree of expevion and age, are from several months to several years. Then they are removed using a special tool, which flaps the lock from the tooth, without damaging enamel. The remnants of the adhesive are written by a special rubber.

To date, there are several types of bracket systems in dentistry - depending on the manufacturing material. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Metal braces more often put children

Metal braces more often put children

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Metal braces. The most common type is suitable for absolutely all categories. Very reliable and significantly cheaper than others, but they look less aesthetic compared to ceramic and sapphire bracket systems.

Ceramic braces. They are made of special durable glass. They are more likely to enjoy adults, due to their imperceptible color on the teeth.

Sapphire braces. Today, the most expensive. They are very similar to ceramic. The main plus is that they are completely transparent. In addition, they are made of monocrystalline sapphire, and this is a very strong material that is not painted.

The main advantages of braces:

- braces are able to make the most complex movement of teeth that are not available to other devices;

- Braces - non-removable apparatus, therefore, firstly, they act as efficiently and quickly, secondly, the child will not be able to remove them and interrupt the treatment independently.

The most important stage of orthodontic treatment - diagnosis

The most important stage of orthodontic treatment - diagnosis

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


The removable design of the elineers made them a popular solution to correct bite, restoring beauty and health smiles. They are performed in the form of transparent invisible caps installed on the teeth for the purpose of alignment. Thanks to innovative technologies, it is possible to create such plastic capples that provide maximum comfort for the patient and imperceptibility to others.

The main advantages of the elineers:

- the aesthetics of the appearance - thin and completely transparent kapa for the treatment of teeth remain invisible to others;

- Easy and unpretentious care. Eleperers for teeth do not need special care, so no need to study any specific cleaning techniques. Often enough ordinary toothbrush and rinsing in water;

- Absolutely safe for health, eco-friendly material.

Two completely different systems, but both are aimed at one result - to give a beautiful smile with smooth teeth. The main thing is to remember that orthodontic treatment consists of several stages, and the very first and important of them is diagnosis. It is after collecting data on the patient, having understood in each individual case, the doctor will be able to recommend you one or another or provide you with an independent choice.

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