Misty Albion: 7 Castles of England, who you will not regret visiting


England is famous for its ancient castles - sometimes their glory comes from their royal inhabitants, such as Windsor Castle. In other cases you can find them on scenes from movies. There is something magical in seeing these majestic architectural beauty in the autumn months, when the countryside turns into a carpet from red, gold and yellow leaves. With a thousand-year history of England, many teasing fairy tales and royal wovers lies behind each tower or wall ...

Windsor castle

To the west of London is the oldest and largest inhabitable castle in the world, which was a royal residence of about 950 years. The Windsor Castle, first built by Wilhelm the conqueror in the 11th century, is regularly used by the Queen as the "cottage" on the weekend, as well as for state events and royal weddings. The round tower rises above the horizon and is located on the oldest part of the castle, and St. George's chapel is a spiritual home of the Knight's Order, ascending to the time of the rule of Eduard III in 1348.

Nature's beauty will not replace anything

Nature's beauty will not replace anything

Photo: unsplash.com.

Warwick Castle

The majestic fortress in the heart of Midlands, the Warwick castle makes it possible to experience the taste of medieval English life. Completely under impressive lattices of the castle, walk along its fortress walls, visit the archery exhibition and explore 64 landscape gardens on the way to opening 1100-year-old history. Children can go to the past in the labyrinth "terrible stories" or look into the castle in the dungeon to solve some of the most gloomy secrets of Warwick with the help of live actors and stunning special effects.

Tower of London

London Tower, once a former royal residence and a notorious prison, entered the UNESCO World Heritage List with a 1000-year history. Crown Jewels are now stored in an impressive fortress - a collection of more than 23,000 dazzling gems, and visitors can meet the custody of the Tower - its legendary crows! Learn more about this holiday of Norman architecture from yomen-supervisors, often known as bifiters that guarded the tower from the times of Tudor.

Castle Khaikler

One of the stars of the television series "Abbey Dounton", Khakler Castle in Hampshire, became the background for the four episodes of the show and a popular film. The originally medieval palace, Khaikler was transformed in the middle of the 19th century Sir Charles Barry, an architect behind the parliament building in London. Along with excursions to its numerous lounges, including those used as the frontal halls from the film "Dounton Abbey", visitors can explore the Gardens of the 13th century and the amazing park area of ​​1000 acres, designed by the famous landscaped gardener Cepping Brown. The County County and Countess Carnarvon live, the family of which lives here since 1679, and here there is a unique exhibition of Egyptian antiquities, dedicated to the role of 5th Count Carnarvon in the opening of the Tutankhamon's tomb.

Castle Hever

Hebher's castle, whose history has more than 700 years, was the home of the second wife Henry VIII, Anna Bolein. This romantic fortress, originally acquired by the moat of a defensive castle, built in 1270, filled with portraits and tapestries of the era of tudors, and from its windows offers a beautiful view of Lake Hever. On the territory of 125 acres there is a tenary teasia labyrinth, as well as gardens-marked gardens with strikingly beautiful dahlias and the warming sweet aroma of the Katsura tree, filling the frosty air. Pre-booking for dating the castle Hever and its territory is mandatory.

Attractions attract many tourists

Attractions attract many tourists

Photo: unsplash.com.

Castle Alnik

Alnwick's impressive castle was a house for the Duke of Northumberland Percy More than 700 years and at one time for centuries served as a military outpost, pedagogical college and a family home. Another castle arising in the Norman period, the fortress in Northumberland, where Harry Potter, the Hero-Wizard, was shot, as learning to fly on a broomstick in his walls for Harry Potter and Philosophical Stone. "

Lids Castle

Although the name suggests that this beautiful castle should be in Yorkshire, Lidza Castle takes more than 500 acres in the heart of Kent's countryside. In 2019, this antique castle was 900 years old. Visitors can trace his way from the Norman roots, ownership of the royal family and the time when he was a magnificent Tudor site for Henry VIII, to a country house that stands today. The Gatehouse exhibition is devoted to this story, and in the castle center of predatory birds, images of hawks, owls, eagles and other majestic birds are presented.

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