Why ready-made scenarios are not suitable for finding a loved one


"Five secrets of attracting a man", "7 tricks to teach the boss-manipulator", "3 main secrets of women's charm" and other headlines can be found in almost every psychological article. Magazines, themed publics on the Internet offer averaging person or problem and reduce it to the solutions standards. "Crash lips, the screens of flaws of the shape, smile and wag away. Voila - he is yours! "

A typical man-hunter will conquer a typical seductive woman.

Apparently, one of the properties of our mind - to reduce everything to a single denominator - playing with us a keen joke when it comes to personal destiny. It is quite difficult to split to standard solutions, but it often agrees with this only its owner. Yes, and he or she is looking for from time to time that they do everything there to create a family, for example.

And it turns out that someone's partner of the life sits on a nearby chair in the plane, whose one still lives with another woman, and someone has long been in love with a long time, but pursues about it, because the office code.

There are no template solutions in finding a partner, there are no template solutions in the divorce process. There are people with different, unique destinies, in which the coordinates change periodically. To withstand the vital changes, to show will, revise your own values, be faithful to them, even if no one is able to share it now - this is the path of expressing personality.

It is not worth averaging the problem of a person and its decision

It is not worth averaging the problem of a person and its decision

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

And now the dream of today's dreams about it: "In the group of people we go on a trip to some exotic and technological country, probably Japan. With my friends we stand on the platform, and for the train to a separate car, we deliver a special elevator. We must go, attach your personal travel, and the elevator will deliver everyone to his car. Everything is incredibly fast and technologically. I tell my friend that we can slip at one ticket - as much more fun.

We go to the elevator along with the girlfriend. And the elevator does not go. We try again - the doors are closed, and the elevator is worth it. Girlfriend is nervous, she really wants to get into the car. Apply a ticket Million times, but the technique gives a failure. With each attempt, we understand that the fact is that only one person can pass on the ticket, without having the opportunity to divide with anyone. And this is not a failure, but a real check of us on the ability to be one. "

Sleep is a kind of examination of her subconscious on its own endurance, on the ability to meet with life tasks holistic, independently.

All these manipulations with tickets and girlfriends are escape to "We" instead of "I". It happens when there is no sufficient support for yourself. It seems that together we are power. In fact, even when we together are not "we". This every person with his "I" lives a different experience, testifying the experience of another. And thus the forces can really be more.

His own fate is unique and special. And besides me, there is no other person who will bring it to live.

To sleep today's dreams will be the best addition of the song of Vladimir Vysotsky:

"Among the faint of way

Alone let me

Among the unchange of the frontier

One for me.

Who did not swim and the waves lay down

Now God is a judge.

Among the incontended roads

One is my ... '

I wonder what you dream?

Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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