Stars played comedy in Tula


This year, thirty comedies were presented to the court of viewers, nine of which were shown for the first time. And judging by the halls scored before the failure, wishing to laugh in Tula at least debug. In addition, along with the films in Tula, the living stars were brought with which it was possible to communicate and being photographed. On the opening day of the festival in Tula, there were especially many metropolitan guests, and many of them were presented with memorable awards.

Inna Churikova, Olga Prokofiev, Andrei Fedortsov and Boris Grachevsky were received by the Prize "For Contribution to Comedy". The prizes "For the contribution to the sense of humor of the country" received actor Igor Khristenko and Mark Rosovsky, who was presented in addition to the real accordion. "Thank you for a stunning gift. He really needs the "Theater of Nikitsky Gate", and then everything is on the accordion yes on the accordion, "Mark Grigorievich admitted. The composer Alexander Zhrhbin got a reward "For loyalty to the musical genre in comedies."

Each festival day ended with the meeting of the film student in an informal setting. Stars danced and discussed the last filmons. And some even managed to go to the store, ascertain to Samovans and Tula gingerbread. True, they bought mainly ginkers, prices for which they glad much more than the cost of samovars.

Alla Surikova.

Alla Surikova.

Sergey Ivanov

"Smile, laughter and good mood - one of the most important provisions in today's life ... The world survived, because she laughed," President of the festival Alla Surikova repeatedly proclaimed. We must admit that Alla Ilyinichna smiled almost always, raising the mood with stellar colleagues and photographers.

Daria Ekamasova.

Daria Ekamasova.

Sergey Ivanov

Painted samovars did not give rest to the stellar connoisseurs of handmade products. So, the actor Andrei Fedorzov, who represented a comedy "corporate party" at the festival, discovered the hotel in the lobby, where Tula souvenirs were sold. However, it was not able to determine what samovar is closer to his heart. But the actress Daria Ekamasova quite quickly decided. But I did not solve the purchase and limited to Selfie.

Sergey Stepaneco with his granddaughter.

Sergey Stepaneco with his granddaughter.

Sergey Ivanov

Full Sergey Stepanchenko brought almost all his relatives to Tula. A company as part of the wife of Irina, the daughters of Catherine and granddaughter Sony (in the photo) went to samovars and gingerbread. The latter was an avid lovers of museums.

Inna Churikova and Vsevolod Shilovsky.

Inna Churikova and Vsevolod Shilovsky.

Sergey Ivanov

Actress Inna Churikova received a reward on the festival "For the contribution to Comedy" from the hands of Vsevolod Shilovsky. "I really appreciate people who have a sense of humor. I even fall in love with them. And for me in a man, the most attractive quality is a sense of humor, "said Inna Mikhailovna recognition.

Igor Khristenko.

Igor Khristenko.

Sergey Ivanov

The star of the parody show from Evgenia Petrosyana Theater Igor Chryshenko launched everyone with the ability to speak Basque and Pugacheva's votes and surprised that he had sixteen motorcycles. It turned out that Igor - an avid motorist almost since childhood. Therefore, when the artist saw a two-wheeled vehicle, he could not pass by passing.

Alexander Zhrub and Irina Medvedev.

Alexander Zhrub and Irina Medvedev.

Sergey Ivanov

"So that the woman was happy, she needs to smile at least thirty times a day. And men - twice as much! " - said the star of Sitkom "Six Persons" Irina Medvedev, referring to scientific research. Irina herself at the festival tried to live on science and constantly smiled. Like the men to whom she fit. And when the actress began to sing, many just melted, like, for example, the composer Alexander Zhrub.

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