Buy everything: how to react to sudden hysteria


Each parent came across a situation where the usual trip to the store or other affairs turns into a real battle between him and his own child. Most moms and dads have no idea what to do and how to stop a screech, which attracts the attention of everyone around. Naturally, I want to go to all the conditions of a small manipulator to stop catching the condemning views of passersby (it's about situations that the child is healthy and requires attention to loud cries and noise). We decided to help parents, especially young, and today we will try to figure out how to act to help and child, and in an unpleasant situation with hysteria, which can become regular.

Patience, only patience

Fully ignore the attack of anger of the kid will not work. However, this is not a reason to "infect" the condition of the child, who knows that you will not be indifferent. Be patient, children are not able to control powerful emotions that overflow them from time to time. The child is not always trying to bring you out on emotions, but he needs to know that mom or dad will help him cope with this state, and will not take off their discontent.

Not time for conversations

We are accustomed to that in communication with adults, any conflicts we solve civilized by long negotiations. With the child it will not definitely not work, especially at the moment when hysterics is at the peak. At this moment your words for him are only background noise. Wait for the child when the child calms down and will be ready to perceive your words, otherwise you will spend the time for persuasion, only reinforcing hysteria.

Make sure the child does not bother anything serious

Make sure the child does not bother anything serious


No aggression

The worst thing you can do in such a situation is to start showing aggression in response. It is important to remember that the child will perceive such behavior as a norm, in the future you will come across increased aggression on his part, which will bring big problems in transition. Hold yourself in your hands and do not pass! Instead, hug a baby and try to lead / carry it into place where you can calm it and no one hurts you.

Distribute whims and poor childhood

Before taking measures, make sure that the child does not really worry about something serious kind of high temperature or other unpleasant manifestations. Most often, children are trying to achieve their own - you did not bought the thing you like or did not take to your favorite attraction. In this case, it is important to show perseverance to the softness - as soon as you go to the conditions of the child, it will understand that you can easily "persuade" here in this way.

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