Distinctive features of various methods of nose form correction


Until recently, the Surgeon scalpel was the only way to change the shape of the nose. A new opportunity appeared relatively recently to make adjustments to the shape of the nose, without resorting to surgery, but with the help of the so-called "beauty enclosures". Let's try to figure out what features, pros and cons of different methods of nose form correction.

Renoplasty, as a plastic surgery, helps to cope with the following problems: restore nasal breathing, adjust the nose damage, change the shape of the nose on aesthetic indications. This operational intervention refers to the category of sufficiently complex manipulations and, most important, unpredictable, since in the postoperative period there may be uncontrolled growth or, on the contrary, lysis of cartilage tissue, which, in turn, can lead to the subsequent deformation of the already adjusted organ.

Plastic Surgeon Madina Bayramukova

Plastic Surgeon Madina Bayramukova

According to statistics, more than 30% of patients undergoing rhinoplasty on aesthetic indications remain unhappy with the results of operational intervention. For this reason, this operation refers to the category of one of the most commonly converted. In the surgical plan, rhinoplasty is quite complex intervention, the results of which largely depend on the skill of the surgeon and his faint. The postoperative period after the rhinoplasty occupies a rather long period of time characterized by some features. Hematomas after surgical rhinoplasty are absorbed within 3-4 weeks. Almost all this period, the patient is forced to wear a plaster lantiete. The patient's nose for a long time remains eager and has an unsatisfactory form. The final result of rhinoplastics can be obtained only a year after the operation.

If you consider the nose correction by the surgical method, the following features of this intervention can be distinguished. The advantages include almost complete absence of restrictions in the nose form correction. Contraindication to the conduct of plastics of the nose can serve as thick skin and the presence of coarse defects. Minuses of the nose plastics surgical way: long-term rehabilitation, the need for general anesthesia and frequent dissatisfaction of patients with the results of the operation, which leads to re-rhinoplasts. Also, the minuses include low predictability of the result, the possibility of deformation of cartilage in the late postoperative period and the high cost of surgical rhinoplasty.

Injection rhinoplasty Presented today in two ways: 1). augmentation by hyaluronic acid or hydroxyapatite calcium; 2) Reducing the tip of the nose with the help of certain drugs. It is possible to reduce the nose with the help of botulinum injections: injections are made to muscle tissue, thus the muscle activity of the fibers occurs, as a result, the nose becomes more neat in shape. This method of nose form correction refers to the most gentle and is suitable for a slight narrowing of the tip of the nose. To achieve the desired effect, several injections are needed, there is no rehabilitation, and the final result of the procedure can be noticed after a couple of weeks. The effect of the correction will be tangible for 4-8 months.

To narrow the nose today, other drugs are used, for example, hormonal such as diprspam. This method cannot be called completely safe: with the incorrect and / or systematic administration of hormonal drugs, an excessive softening of cartilage tissue can be observed, ischemic foci on the skin, which will manifest themselves as skin defects (whiten spots). Therefore, this method can be attributed to the category of the least preferred methods of nose correction.

The greatest popularity in the correction of the back of the nose takes today Rhinoplasty Hyaluronic Acid Fillers . The unconditional advantages of this procedure are factors:

- The procedure does not require common anesthesia. It is quite enough appliquational anesthesia.

- Duration - 15-20 minutes. Does not require hospitalization and observation.

- Hematoma practically does not happen, and edema is not so significant. You do not fall out of the usual rhythm of life.

- If you did not like the effect (although there was no such thing in my practice) you can always return to the original form in a year when the drug is biodegraded, or immediately, using the hyaluronidase enzyme.

The only minus of this procedure is the limited possibility of injection rhinoplasty. If you want to really reduce the nose, and not make it visually less and more carefully, remove the extra cartilaginous fabric, then the correction of the fillers will not help you. It is shown in order to align the back of the nose, remove the hubber, slightly lift the tip. For these purposes, it is preferable to use injections based on hyaluronic acid, since in this area there is a risk of obtaining ischemic lesions of the skin, and hyalurin acid has its own antidote, which can be completely splitting it. With all seriousness, it is necessary to refer to the choice of a specialist who will exercise the nose correction by fillers. It should be a doctor with good knowledge of anatomy and extensive experience.

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