Problems with appearance - problems with the psyche


Dysmorphophobia is a mental deflection when a person does not accept his appearance and constantly trying to change it. For example, you want to insert veneers for an ideal snow-white smile, although you have a bright enamel, or are ready to go to the plastic surgery in order to change the shape of the nose without medical testimony. Psychologists explain why the desire for change can bring to the nervous breakdown.

All problems come from childhood

Experts believe that all children's resentments accumulate in the unconscious and reflected on the psyche of an adult. If you are constantly teased for flaws of appearance, but the parents did not try to support and pay attention to your advantages, for sure, with time, you had a complex of inferiority. Low self-esteem and rejection of themselves provoke serious deviations of psyche. For example, it may seem that those around you discuss you and laugh at you, passersby look with condemnation, and close brazenly lie about the visible beauty. In this case, it is worth understanding that the problem lies deeply - it is not solved by plastic and procedures, you need to work with a psychologist.

Children's resentment do not pass long

Children's resentment do not pass long


Old age is not joy

Another danger signal, according to psychologists, is the refusal to accept the fact of aging. Look around: the stars do not leave the Cabinet of the beautician, women are trying to hide age, and young people think that they will always remain young. The media and brands only stimulate fear. Think how many times have you seen an advertisement about the tool designed to return youth? Yes, the desire to look good is normal. However, you need to get along with the idea that sooner or later visible changes will appear on your face and the body. Do not think that you have become an ugly and asexual person - not at all! Live and enjoy life regardless of age.

Failures in personal life

If, during a quarrel, the partner tells you: "Look at yourself, who needs you?" We advise you to immediately run away from him. The last argument in any dispute is the transition to a person. Even worse when he knows about your complexes and is trying to prescribe to the patient. Enjoy yourself with people who first appreciate your soul and character quality. After all, it does not matter how the ideal figure you have, if you are "dummy" inside. Psychologists call on not to despair when the relationship does not add up, but to pay the time of self-reflection. Use the reception of the mirror This is explained like this: everything that does not suit us in others, is a reflection of our hidden fears. When you do not leave the partner who does not respect you, then you do not respect yourself. Believe me, your life will change for the better, as soon as you realize this and work on yourself.

Change yourself for pleasure, and not out of fear

Change yourself for pleasure, and not out of fear


Provocateurs - the same dysmoremophilics

When you study the stories of people who do not take their appearance, many of them say that all their lives tried to infringe on others - to call, apply physical strength, give an impaired advice. The last item is especially important, because the unintelligible council is a hidden form of aggression. Behind the visible desire to help, having prompted the girlfriend who came after the birth of a girlfriend diet, you hide the focus on your own figure. Another thing if Dasha itself will ask your advice - boldly share knowledge of proper nutrition and training. Understand that your every word has power - do not scatter them thoughtlessly.

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