How to Be Blonde: Important Secrets


You can be born blonde, but you can become it. Forever and ever. It is unlikely that we will open America, recalling that the main blonde of the domestic cinema Love Orlova and Frenchwoman Catherine Denev, first appearing on the screen, had ... an uncompromising dark "color". Well, the early photos of the blonde of all the times and peoples Marilyn Monroe very eloquently suggest that the girl from nature was "chestnut suit." However, everything seemed to be aggravated that these "goddesses in law" are inborn blondes. Similarly, it is considered to be blue. Although any astronomer tells you that it is nothing more than illustrate. Well, let it, but what is convincing!

Montro Cherts, Orlov, Denev - Blondes by calling, not by birth. In their case, it is just a corrected error that nature made. And the point here is not in chance or the requirements of the director, to repaint hair for the role. Platinum shine of hair of these kinodiv is their "I", their true nature, which already fascinates not one generation of viewers.

So, it seems, the main truth is not at all in the incredible sexuality of blondes, but in the fact that they give us hope and faith in the constancy of being.

Shine always, shine everywhere

Light curls are still considered a sign if not aristocracy, then at least the highest exclusivity sign. And what only the tricks and sacrifice did not go! For example, that the hair burns out in the sun and acquired a cherished golden tint, the ancient romels from aristocratic families spent all days under the scorching rays, smile at the rice decoction. Greeks achieved the same effect with the help of ... sour dondle milk. And only relatively recently excellent ladies began to use perhydro, or, if more precisely, hydrogen peroxide. Transparent liquid without taste and smell opened the French chemist Louis Jacques Tenar in 1818 and called it oxidized water. This solution, except for antiseptic properties, has also had the ability to blew hair. Thanks to the brilliant opening of the Tenar, a few "population" blondes rose thousands, if not in mills times.

Since the ladies mercifully poked their curls perhydroly, the beauty industry stepped far forward, and now there are a lot of ways to turn into a chiller with the smallest losses for the chapels.

True, in any case, during coloring, the hair is injured. Therefore, they need special care. Since after lightening the hair becomes more porous and dry, keep the moisturizing shampoo, air conditioning and mask at hand. Especially effective means of marine algae, the root of the Hawaiian ginger, lavender extracts and chamomile. Air conditioning should be used after each washing. The mask is enough to do once a week, it will prevent the fragility and the appearance of the secheny tips.

In addition, curls can become naughty, it is difficult to give in to laying. A good styling will help here, containing additional caring components like aloe vera, shea or jojoba oils. They soften their hair, make them more obedient. And they also give additional care and protect against negative external influences.

Life in pink color

Changes the color of the hair to the believed blond, should not forget about a very significant detail - eyebrows. Contrasts here are completely nothing, you know. In addition, the contents of the cosmetics should also if not change, then at least pretty update. After all, the fact that it is brunette and browns, it is not always suitable for blondes, and sometimes it can look like vulgar. You do not want this, right?

As they say, two identical blondes do not happen, so if you have become the owner of light hair, then you have to reveal, what colors and cosmetics are now suitable for you. And for this you need to understand two things. First, what is your skin shade (light, peach or dark). This will depend on the saturation of makeup. The brighter skin, the more natural paint should be. And, secondly, to determine the "warm" or "cold" type of appearance. This will help when choosing shades of shadows, Rumen, lipstick, powder. And consider eyebrows should be a natural shade, in tone or a little lighter, but not darker than the colors of your hair.

As for shades of shadows, the blondes, coral, beige, brown, are suitable for blue-eyed blonde. And if you have green eyes, then the violet, gray-violet, will win them.

Rushes are selected depending on the shade of your skin. The "warm" type is suitable, respectively, warm shades, cold - cold. For daytime makeup, the mascara is better to take a brown, for the evening - black. When choosing lipsticks, focus on your skin color. Blondes are pink lipstick, but its shades are a great set. Depending on what kind of skin you have, lipstick will look more or less saturated, warmer or colder.

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