Stars, replacing hair color


Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman did not flirt for a long time with her fans and immediately admitted that she became a blonde for the role in a new film. However, deciding still to preserve the intrigue, did not specify, in which one. "I painted just a couple of days ago," the actress told the dinner arranged in honor of her husband's new project, Benjamin Dancer Millpe. "My mom, seeing me, said that I became another person." How reacted my spouse, Natalie silent. By the way, the pool workers have already had the opportunity to assess how portman's light color of the hair is suitable. In the picture "Proximity" Natalie in some scenes was blonde, however, the actress chose to wear a wig.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga so often changes the hairstyle, which is not always clear where her real hair, and where is the wig. In fact, the singer is brunette from nature. And to become a platinum blonde, it forced her a case when Gaga was confused with the now the late Amy Winehouse. "Somehow I gave an interview, and the journalist only in five minutes of our conversation realized that I did not hey," the star told in 2009. "She is very cool, but I want to be recognized as Lady Gaga." However, now the singer decided to return the "native" hair color.

Katy Perry. Photo: Rex Features /

Katy Perry. Photo: Rex Features /

Katy Perry

There is no reasonable explanation for the permanent change of hair color from Katy Perry. She was a blonde, brunette, then walked blue with a greenish sampling and with a bright pink chapel, then he became a platinum with pale pink strands and turned into a blonde again, and then brunette. All these metamorphoses are worried about the passion of their mistress to a variety. "So live more," says the singer. It agrees with her and its stylist, which, however, has to follow, so that after all these manipulations with the paints on Katie's head, the fact that in the near-time Perry will again want to update.


In 2010, the dark-haired nature of Rihanna painted her hair into a bright red color, making it his corporate style. Then the singer has gone. But in February of this year, the R'n'B star unexpectedly became blonde. Soon it became known that she briefed for the first in 2012 shooting on the cover: New Year - a new photo session - a new image. Although there was another reason: "I want to become a brunette, and from my red color it was easier to make a white first, and then to repaint in black," Rihanna told. "True, I liked to be bright so much that I, perhaps, for some time I would still have a blonde." However, by the autumn singer has already darkened.

Kristen Stewart

Dark Roma Kristen Stewart Lightening was given with great difficulty. Blonde actresses had to become a role in the film "On the Road". But this experience did not like the star. "I had a feeling that all my creature leaned these hair, I was very uncomfortable, I tried to look at the mirror as much as possible as possible," Stewart admits. "But such I had to be in the plot, so with bright color I had to put up." But there is that I was a blonde, and a positive moment. When I look especially spicy scenes from the film with your participation, I do not associate myself with my heroine. "

Cameron Diaz. Photo: Rex Features /

Cameron Diaz. Photo: Rex Features /

Cameron Diaz

In 2005, Cameron Diaz is the brightest representative of a typical California blonde - became a brunette. Some counted that this color meant mourning stars on the ending relationship with Justin Timberlake. Others, on the contrary, decided that the change of image was aimed at drawing the attention of the new potential boyfriend. But the actress did not rant on the topic "Why?", Saying only that the dark hair is closer to nature and in such a color to her more cozy. Probably lunned, because soon Cameron returned to his familiar bright, solar image.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham, who changed the color of his hair from the dark blossom to the light-blob, suddenly in 2007 became a bright blonde. The radical change was obviously timed to the move of the Beckham family from Gloomy London in Sunny Los Angeles. However, in order to win a warm spot under the California Luma, Mrs. Beckham, at that time not so well-known in the United States, as in his Native Britain, decided to regain his individuality and after six months again became a dark-haired.

Scarlett Johansson . Photo: Startracks photo /

Scarlett Johansson . Photo: Startracks photo /

Scarlett Johansson

Blonde from birth, Scarlett Johansson is not afraid to be controversial. But, of course, only if the question concerns her hair. Agreeing to play an aliens in the human case in the film "Stay in my skull", the actress without thinking repainted into the brunette. And for the sake of the role of black widow in the picture "Iron Man-2", Johansson voluntarily greeted. And even before the film was approved. Nevertheless, Scarlett still prefers to be white and fluffy.

Britney Spears

Blonde Britney Spears, for which the light color of the hair is almost a corporate sign, repainted on a brown in 2009. According to rumors, in order to convince her boyfriend Jason Travik on her marry her. They say the singer thought that dark hair did her older and, accordingly, a powerful and wiser. However, even such radical measures did not bring any results then. This was the case or not, and remained mystery. But the engagement Jason and Britney celebrated when she was already blonde again - in December 2011.

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