Just without panic! Stars who are afraid of the public



Adele never hid himself feeling the fear of the scene. And repeatedly in an interview told about the most pleasant consequences of her phobia. "I do not like to tour. Before going to the scene, I have panic attacks, often I feel sick, - I frank somehow singer. - I am very upsetting the thoughts that someone will spend twenty dollars to come to my concert, and then say: "Oh, I like it much more in the record, she did not meet my expectations." Speed ​​on the stage is a huge responsibility to people, because they come, spend their time at me, their money. "

"And I am very afraid of the crowd," Adel continues. - Somehow, during the show in Amsterdam, I was so nervous that I ran away from the hall through an emergency exit. And in Brussels I was excited on someone. Of course, I'm trying to cope with my phobia, and sometimes I manage it. But still, world tour is not mine. "

Barbra Streisand

Barra Streisand suffers from the scene phobia for several decades. It all started in 1967, when the legendary singer, speaking in the Central Park of New York, suddenly forgot the words of his song. After this incident, Streisand almost thirty years did not speak alive. "Everyone told me:" Forget! This is nonsense. Well forgot. With whom does not happen? "But for me it was shock. I was not at all laughter. I was very afraid to forget the words again, "Barbra recognized. And when the singer still returned to the scene, then the televisofler began to use. And not only the words of her songs, but even replicas and jokes, which stretched in the interruptions between performance was broadcast.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox. Photo: instagram.com/the_native_tiger.

Megan Fox. Photo: instagram.com/the_native_tiger.

Megan Fox is not almost no difficulty wearing frank outfits in the frame and to fulfill the most complex tricks. But with the thought of the exit to theatrical scene, the actress covers panic. "I do not have enough spirit to go on stage," confesses the movie star. - To do this, you have to be a bold, brave person. I'm too nervous. I know for sure that I can not hold out a whole play. If you suddenly do something, spoil, you will spoil not only yourself, but also everyone else. And, unlike the cinema, it is impossible to make another double. I am very frightened all this. "

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey could never become a famous actor if at one time he failed to overcome his fear of the scene. At the age of 15, Jim survived terrible shame, speaking in one standap club. "It was monstrous," remembers the movie star. - My mother made me put on a costume of polyester. And it was a rock mistake. The audience collected in the club was most liked to laugh at those who are not stylish. They practically did not give me the mouth to open, began to mock, whistling, demand me to sit and crucify. I barely managed to escape. " Two years needed Kerry to cope with the phobia, again go to the scene and eventually become glorified as a standap-comic, and after and as an actor.

Amanda Savefred

Amanda Safered. Photo: instagram.com/mingey.

Amanda Safered. Photo: instagram.com/mingey.

When Amanda Safered was still a child, she was listening to one of the Broadway musicals. And failed him. It was then that the future actress has a fear of the scene. Since then, Amanda starred in several filmosicles, but the desire to reach the theatrical scene did not leave her. However, phobia did not give Saifred to embody the dream. And only in the spring of this year the actress was able to overcome himself and debut on Broadway.

However, the fear of a public speech did not go anywhere: Amanda is afraid to even participate in the talk show. "But I have a solution to this problem, the movie star is recognized. - Before filming, I drank. Yes, it is probably not quite right. But you know what? It helps me! "

Benedict Cumberbatch

The role in the film "The game in imitation" (2014) brought the Contractor to Benedict Cumberbetchu, several nominations for the most prestigious premiums of the world. And then it turned out that the actor, it turns out, is fear of the scene. Rather, the Benedict's theatrical layouts is not afraid to emerge: he is scary to receive awards. "I know it will seem strange, but I do not like to receive award. It was the most terrible moments in my life, I was sick and my head was spinning, "the movie star confesses. "After all, you need to go up to the stage, carefully keep some statuette in your hands, look cute and not stupid." And, most importantly, something to say. This speech literally invadses me into a stupor, I absolutely do not understand what we must speak in such cases. " Fortunately for Benedict, this year neither "Oscar" nor the "Golden Globe" nor the BAFTA premium did not receive.

Robby Williams

Robby Williams. Photo: instagram.com/roobbiewilliams.

Robby Williams. Photo: instagram.com/roobbiewilliams.

Williams, famous at 18 years old, managed to pretrately resolve. However, after ten years of successful stay on the scene, the singer in 2007 unexpectedly canceled a whole tour in connection with a sudden fear of his fear before the scene. At first, Robbie tried to cope with his phobia with various medicines. But after discovered yoga. And, on their own admission, deep breath of belly helped him calm her nerves and overcome concern. However, in its next tours, Williams poisoned only in 2013.

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