What scares men before the wedding


Marriage is soon! Who among us was not worried about such a solemn event? After all, it is once and for life, and I want everything to go perfectly. However, as it turned out, the groom worries no less, and maybe more brides. So what is worried about him?

I am getting married. I? Woman? The disadvantaged storm of various emotions in a man is exactly the fact that he connects his fate is not just with a woman, but with the allied. With the one that will be both a sex partner, and a friend, and just the most beloved.

Not! Men do not cry! He is afraid of a treacherous male tear rolling down the cheek at the most important point. And it is not at all surprising. Therefore, it is possible that your chosen one will give free tears in advance and without your presence.

How did I combine? Yes, yes, this question is also worried, but only on the day of the wedding! After all, I want to look like a hundred in the photographs that will remain for life.

Men are nervous before marriage no less than women

Men are nervous before marriage no less than women

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Oh, with my legs? They became ice? And a little later threw in the heat? This is also normal in reasonable limits. Yet nerves.

The last hundred grams, I'm nervous! The main thing is that they become the latter in time. Otherwise, you can "lose" the groom.

She definitely does not run away? Although he vaguely, but remembers the script of the film about the escaped bride. But everything is ready! Therefore, the groom still believes that everything will be fine.

How do I get up? At wedding photos and he wants to look great.

Lord, what am I doing here? This thought will flash in his head once. But when you say to each other "Yes," she will quickly disappear, so that this day is remembered forever!

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