Do not: Why are our expensive gifts confuse us


Remember, in childhood we all loved to receive gifts - waited for a birthday or any other holiday with an incredible impatience. And if a small girl is indulge just because it is in the life of parents and friends, in adulthood it is important to understand that not all gifts, especially expensive, give us just like that. But it is also not worth looking with suspicion of everyone - many people are recharged, seeing joy in the eyes of the recipient of a ring or a long-awaited ballet ticket. Today we decided to talk about gifts from men, why they generally give them and how to take them, so as not to cause misunderstanding on both sides.

What is this happening in nature?

In fact, not only a person has an understanding that the gifts are able to attract the attention of the individuals of the opposite sex: almost all animals in one way or another to give the soul mate, counting on reciprocity. So you should not be surprised that a man, even if you are not very good for you, actively finds out your interests in order to hand a present who will not leave you indifferent. The man just fulfills the natural program.

A gift from a man does not always hint at sex

A gift from a man does not always hint at sex


Why we are afraid to take gifts

All our adult problems and fears come from childhood. Our psyche great remembers past experience. Suppose you really wanted to visit this attraction in the park, to which parents answered: "Well, you will write the control on perfectly, go" and that's all in such a spirit. You start to perceive any suggestions designed to give you positive sensations as a way to get something in return. Especially bad, this approach works against men. You begin to suspect even the man you liked in a desire to drag you into bed, otherwise why does he offer you a fur coat?

What to do?

Now we are talking about men with whom you are in more or less stable relationships. Today, men sometimes work in several works, which means that he pays less attention to their woman than he wanted. He can start redeeming their working hours in front of you in the form of a sentence "Give money to go to shopping." Many women begin to indignant: "You want to buy me!" No, does not want. Men, especially busy, rarely bother where to go for the thing that you like to like - he may simply have no time. By giving you money, he apologizes for the lack of nearby. Do not get up in the pose and show aggression.

As for the men with whom you barely familiar and are not yet sure whether it is worth a reciprocity, accept a gift that you yourself cannot afford, not worth it. You will give a person an empty hope for real reciprocity, although in fact break his dreams and faith in the female half of humanity. Be honest in front of him and yourself.

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