Elizabeth Boyarskaya wants still three children


Famous actress Elizabeth Boyarskaya recently gave a frank interview. The girl admitted that after the birth of the firstborn now for her in the first place family.

"I love my profession very much and I always be dedicated to her. However, I understand that now the main thing for me is a family. Profession is a momentant, today there is work, tomorrow it will not be. And the most important thing in life is the rear. The rear, which, I hope will still be strengthened, "quotes the boyars" ok! ".

According to Elizabeth, she would like to at least at least three children: "I think it is not heroism, but the most important female destination."

In leaving the baby, the actress helps her mother Larisa Luppian, as well as Mom Maxim and Nanny: "We try to make peace for every second, we tell him, explain what is happening around, read it poems - and children, and adults . We treat him as an adult person, talk to him seriously, let him touch everything, sniff. Andryusha really like it. "

In addition, Boyarskaya admitted that finally decided to move to Moscow to her husband. It will take place in a couple of months, when Maxim will end in the Moscow apartment. "I will be hard for me, I know, but I will be where Maxim will be. He wants to go to live in the Far East - it means that we will go there. In Moscow, I feel comfortable. I had many friends in Moscow and there are places that I am impressed. But by the atmosphere, the city does not particularly attract me, "the Elizabeth admitted.

Boyarskaya noted that after the birth of a child, it became heavier to transfer separation with his spouse. "We worked a lot, met, these meetings were always in joy. With the advent of the child, the separations became more painful, I really want to be together. Therefore, Moscow is no longer so frightened. With Maxim, we apply a lot of efforts to make life as if we wanted. That is, this is not an independent course of life, these are our efforts and God's providence, "the actress told.

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