Top 5 killers of your libido: what you need to fight


The problems in the intimate sphere most often become the reason for the relationship. If they do not decide, your marriage or joint accommodation may end up with a break, although such a negative outcome can be prevented by worrying the problem.

The decrease in the libido can be observed both in men and women. We will talk about the most common causes of sexual desire.

Men do not wear a sad view of their women

Men do not wear a sad view of their women


Women's tears

We are not talking about a meager tear now, but about hysterics. As many women know (and inquisitively use it), a man does not carry a sad kind of woman, especially when she cries, so trying to do everything to please your loved one. However, in the case of sex, women's tears work in the opposite direction: instead of achieving intimacy, the woman only contributes to the fact that a man loses any desire. Moreover, if you believe the research of scientists, the whole thing in the specific smell of tears. Yes, tears there is a smell, but it is distinguished only on the subconscious level. According to experiments, the smell of tears reduces the level of testosterone in the men's body: that is why he wants to console you, and not to drag into the bedroom.

Small water consumption

If you really have a headache, perhaps your body lacks liquid, and in such a state what sex can we talk about? In addition, the lack of water in the body leads to its weakening and a decrease in desire.

To avoid "drought", try to drink several water glasses more than usual.

Depressive condition can negatively affect the sexual lives of partners.

Depressive condition can negatively affect the sexual lives of partners.



Of course, according to the lack of desire, it is impossible to inform the Diagnosis, but the decrease in the libido is one of the main signs of depression. Treatment of depression is quite difficult and requires a lot of time, but still you can fight it. If the loss of desire is associated with a depressive state, takes place first of all with the restoration of the psyche, and together with a stable psychological state there will be a desire to retire with a partner.

Strict diet

Overweight, without doubt, harms both the general condition of the body and the intimate life of the pair, but the other extreme is a tough diet - it will not help you return the harmony in bed.

As you know, hunger is injected by a bad mood, the body does not receive a sufficient amount of energy, so sex will be sluggish, if at all it will be. You will always think about food all the time, while your partner will wait for a response from you to his caress. In addition, the level of sex hormones will constantly change, which also does not contribute to the growth of desire.

So control your diet, but do not cross the frame.

Try not to sleep in different rooms

Try not to sleep in different rooms



Who would have thought that a simple snoring could interfere with the night of love! Very often, if one of the partners snaps, the second "moves" to the sofa in another room. What sex can we talk about if several rooms are separated?

If you do not consider psychological discomfort, snoring is a threat to the body of its host: because of the snoring in the body, too little oxygen comes, so the genital hormones are in no hurry to be produced. As for the second partner, he is constantly not poured and has a sense of fatigue all day, about sex in such a state and do not think.

There are good news: snoring is well treated. If you understand that it is the snoring that makes the lack of sex in your life, contact a specialist and do not tighten with a visit.

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