Tatyana Ovsienko - How to cope with the autumn depression


"I love all the seasons. I was fortunate enough to be born in such a country where all seasons are present. And I hate the word "depression." Autumn depression, spring ... In my opinion, people themselves came up with all this to indulge their own weaknesses and bad mood. Of course, like everyone else, I have unimportant days. But as soon as I feel that the Handra is already approaching, rolling - I run away from her in the park, while there is such an opportunity. I run in the park, look at beautiful golden autumn leaves - and the mood is improving. And if on the street rain the wall, then go to the gym. I will raise a couple of dumbbells - and the complaints and depression is missing forces. Still very well helps a piece of chocolate in the morning with coffee. As you know, chocolate contains a hormone of pleasure, so do not deny yourself so little joy. In general, and sadness can also be bright. Let it rain - and you invite close friends to visit, cover a beautiful table. Or arrange in a chair with an interesting book or knitting. I was addicted to knitting after the spine injured. Lyed at home, it was hard to move, there are no particularly none invent. Well, while I was lying, I knit a huge fluffy sweater. He was very happy and gladly put on this sweater. Although, honestly, he was slightly long.

Maybe autumn I love also because I was born in the month of October. For a while it turned out that I noted my birthday in Chechnya. This tradition appeared since the time of the war, when I spoke with concerts in front of soldiers. And now I also constantly get invitations to come to tour. My fans come up with interesting congratulations for me. For example, there is a star called by my name, I was presented with a certificate. And the fans collect photos and articles that were in the press for the year: I do not have time to see something. I have a huge number of fan clubs. Some have survived since the twenty years ago, but new ones appear. I am glad that among my fans there are very young boys girls. So my songs are still interesting, and I still quite well in the spirit of time. Young. Although it became a year older. "

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