With a perch of: why sharp foods can be useful


Acute foods are associated with roast countries, summer holidays and all sorts of holidays when the choice of dishes allows you to open new tastes. But why wait for a special reason so that the sharp dish appears on your desk - experts are confident that the pepper in the season of season, which you are having a meat or vegetables, brings more benefits than harm. We decided to explore this question and came to very busy conclusions.

You will lose weight faster

The patient is a question for any woman - how to effectively lose weight. So, we found out that sharp spices help to fight overweight much faster than, let's say, herbal teas. The fact is that the sharp food accelerates metabolism, which means the processes in our body go more actively, burning everything too much. In addition, pepper helps to reduce the feeling of hunger, but it is still not worth using acute food on an ongoing basis - please note the stomach and take into sharp experiments a few days a month.

Do not get drunk too sharp dishes

Do not get drunk too sharp dishes

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You will be less susceptible to viruses.

Another interesting fact - spices increase the body temperature, help "breaking" the nose, that during a cold is a good help to medical preparations. As scientists found out, the peppers facilitate inflammation in bronchi, help to deal with the manifestations of influenza and ARVI. No wonder in many drugs, peppers goes one of the first components. And yet it is not necessary to rely only on some spices - you will receive a consultation of a specialist.

Reduce cholesterol levels

The problem with the vessels in the vessels begins to bother us about after 40 years, when the exchange processes in the body slow down and we need to seriously revise our diet to avoid problems with increasing cholesterol and the problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Reducing cholesterol levels due to content in sharp capsaicin products - it is this component "burns" the mucous meal when we eat pepper.

The risk of oncological diseases is reduced

Of course, it is not necessary to hope for the wonderful effects of pepper, but scientists from the leading university of the United States concluded that capsaicin is able to fight cancer cells in the pancreas. The experiment was carried out on mice, according to the results of the mouse study, in whose food included foods with capsaicin, less often encountered metastases.

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