All: Actors who work without Cascaders


We are accustomed to steep special effects, impossible at first glance tricks and surprise us is becoming more difficult. But did you think about the fact that many actors refuse the services of the dubler and most of the dangerous scenes do themselves? Today we have collected a list of artists "without fear and reproach", which sometimes risk not only health, but also lives.

Tom Cruise

Probably, the list would be incomplete without Tom Cruise, who at the beginning of her career did not differ in particular desire for shooting in dangerous scenes. Everything changed when the croise was offered a role in the franchise "Mission Impossible": Cruz immediately refused doubles and most of the scenes still performs himself, let the actor almost 60 years old! Producers are incredibly afraid that the main character of a multi-million-dollar series of films suddenly breaks for himself, but Cruise is adamant - himself, so he himself.

Jackie Chan

The most injured Hollywood actor. In the body, Jackie does not have a single bone that Hollywood legend would not break. And there is nothing surprising: the actor performs absolutely all the tricks alone. Of course, in particularly dangerous scenes, the producers insist that a doubleler came to the site, but Jackie prefers to take "fire" on himself. Chan's most terrible injury received during filming in the film "Armor of God", where the unsuccessful landing brought an actor to the crank and brain injury: Jackie was on the verge of life and death, fortunately, the doctors managed to save the life of the act, but Jackie did not stop and so far pores performs most of the dangerous tricks on his own, for which he at one time received a special award.

Jason Steate.

One of the main handsome high spirits of world cinema is also against its own replacement in dangerous scenes. Steate has become synonymous with a typical actor from the militants, which is only worth his role in the Franchise "Carrier", where Jason performed almost all the tricks and fights without the intervention of cascaders. Like Chan, Steate was on the edge of death: one of the cars on the shooting lost control and the actor together with the truck fell into the water. The actor reacted instantly - opened the cab and quickly floated to the surface. Everything cost.

Frame from k / f:

Frame from k / f: "Adrenaline: high voltage"

Baster Kiton.

A great actor, the main competitor Charlie Chaplin, even at the beginning of the last century became one of the actors who were not afraid to perform the tricks on their own. At that time, producers could not afford to hire actors and cascaders due to modest budgets, so even such stars like the Baster, agreed to work, provided that they would not have a double. Yes, then there were no explosions and versions on the car, which we now see in every second film, but the pictures of the past did not work out without dangerous scenes, take, for example, multiple scenes of Chaplin's drops and the kiton itself from various balconies or in hatches. It turned up to the point that Kitonu often had to replace other actors in dangerous scenes, since he had better than others opened her body.

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