Coffee in the case: Favorite drink in the fight for beauty


In the spring, sunny days are mixed with cloudy when they don't want to go outside, especially if it rains. In this weather, it is good to brew coffee in the morning and stay in bed, if time allows time, and even better - to use coffee in a matter of not only directly intended.

Do you know how long there are leaving procedures in which coffee is the main component? You will enjoy not only the process itself, but also the stunning smell of this truly multifunctional product.

The most popular drink in the world can be used and externally

The most popular drink in the world can be used and externally


Coffee-based face mask

This mask enjoys great popularity among women who have long come out of adolescence, and now they need a means to maintain youth and beauty. The fact is that the coffee contains substances that intercept free radicals, thereby slowing down the process of aging.

After brewing natural coffee, do not throw away the thick - add to the mask from clay or any other by type of your skin. Hold 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then apply a moisturizing cream.


What could be better coffee scrub! The head of the head, like the skin of the face, needs constant purification, the coffee scrub is just the perfect natural agent. In addition, coffee has a beneficial effect on the hair: they stop sneaking and become more elastic. Due to the soft exfoliation, more oxygen begins to the bulbs, and the bloodstream is enhanced in the scrubbing area, which contributes to the rapid growth of a healthy hair.

You need to add a third of a teaspoon in your favorite shampoo, after which they distribute it all over the surface of the head, cycling every plot. Slightly massage, but do not press too much so as not to damage the skin, thoroughly wash the composition. Since the product is natural, you can use it several times a week.

In cold weather there is nothing better coffee procedures at home

In cold weather there is nothing better coffee procedures at home


Ice from coffee

Dark circles under the eyes are still attack. What are not women in the fight against this imperfection, they buy luxury tools that practically do not help, listen to the advice of acquaintances / relatives and still do not get the effect. Here you will come to the rescue, but not in a cup, but in frozen form. Let the use of coffee ice be your ritual every morning, after a few days you will see a noticeable result.

However, in the case of ice, you need to use not thick, and coffee dissolved in water. Fill it into molds for ice and pass several times with a cube under the eyes, but see, do not get the supercooling of this sensitive zone.

Cellulite Coffee-based Peeling

The fact that coffee is perfectly fighting with an "orange crust" know everything, but for some reason they are not in a hurry to use it. Coffee contributes to improved blood flow, prevents stagnation of fluid in problem areas, as a result of which metabolic processes are accelerated.

Everything is very simple: you need to take a thickness of the coffee maker or cup and apply circular movements to problem areas, just avoid massage the inner surface of the thigh, because there are many lymph nodes, which in no case are imposed pressure. Survey the composition and apply your favorite soothing agent.

Natural product can be used quite often

Natural product can be used quite often


Coffee for hand care and legs

Despite the fact that the leaving coffee tool must most of all your hands and legs in the cold season, you can use it constantly, regardless of the season. It is not necessary to buy an expensive cream of a famous brand, it is enough to buy good coconut oil and add 1.5 teaspoons of coffee grounds into it. The composition wonderfully moisturizes the skin, and the fragrance will definitely leave you indifferent. Just do not forget to wash the tool, pre-holding 10 minutes on the skin.

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