Anna Sedokova: "I am from those women who do not want to depend on men"


Singer and actress Anna Sedokova proudly wears the title of a large mother. She has three children: Fourteen-year-old Alina, seven-year monica and two-year Hector. At the same time, she managed to tour, be the producer itself and businesswoman.

- Anna, your new song "I am a mother", apparently, is dedicated to you yourself?

- Of course, because I wrote her (smiles). She is on a witness, because often I hear the accusation, they say, you are a mother, and when you have a child, you should be another! I'm trying to prove and talk to all my fans that the child complements you and does better, but never in life can not be abandoned. Happy mom is happy kids. Mom has the right to dance on the table, relax, having fun, and she will be happy to return home, and the children are glad.

- But at the same time it is necessary to solve all their problems ...

- It's not so difficult. It happens that children are sick or you can't be with them. I have already learned to engage in several matters at once. I can talk at the same time with you, watch what my employees do, watch, with what joy my daughter is trying on jeans, and develop in the head menu in your bar. For me, all this is easy, and in general I believe that the more children - the better.

Anna Sedokova:

Anna admits that music remains the main occupation for her, nevertheless the singer recently took part in the TV project "The main role". And many noted that in the images of the kinodyav of the Soviet cinema (the recreated scene from the film "Three Poplas on Plyukha"

- So there are another plans?

- Yes, and not one, and maybe two, and three. (Laughs.)

- Who helps you in daily family worries?

- Certainly, nanny. Although now Nanny Hecker left, it became a little more complicated. I am very grateful to all nanny who helped me with kids. Nanny is generally one of the most important people in the family, because it takes responsibility, all life and covers your rear. I can not say that every day I cook my children first, second and third, but I can make breakfast delicious - and then run to work. It so happened that I am now a major person who earns in our family, but this is my choice, however. I still have a senior daughter, Alya, helps with Hector. Of course, I dream that she helped even more, but I understand that she needs to live his life, and it is very important.

- You already have an adult - fourteen years ...

- Adult, it's true. Now she has such a period ... I just starred in the transfer of children, there are all such pretty, eight years old. They are asked: what do you do? They answer: they say, and swimming, and dancing, and songs. My children, too, did all this, but the age of fourteen the child begins the denial period of everything, and he wants to be free. I needed a lot of time to take it. When the denial period passed, I accept it new. Alya continues to do dancing, learn perfectly, engaged in mathematics, teaches languages. Probably she is looking for some beautiful part of herself and will come soon. She is very independent and freedoming, and it is strange to think that it would be different, because she has such a mother.

Anna Sedokova began her musical career seventeen years ago when he became part of the VIA Gra group. Since 2006, the singer is engaged in solo career

Anna Sedokova began her musical career seventeen years ago when he became part of the VIA Gra group. Since 2006, the singer is engaged in solo career


- I will not be surprised if the first grooms appeared ...

- For her, friendship has always been in the first place, it is for Ali superman. Some girls are directly focused on boys, and she is not. She has no boyfriend, but there are friends, although many are trying to care for her.

- What is your younger daughter Monica?

- Gymnastics, poems songs ... But, since we have a difficult situation with Monica, there was a whole story with the court ... I don't really want to talk about some sad things now. We are trying to live according to the new rules, I would say, even live by the future. It's hard when you have a daughter on another continent, but believe me, I did everything that could, and now I do everything so that this scheme worked normally and the least injured Monica. We will soon see you and go to relax together, we will have ahead ahead. Monica is doing a lot, but it seems to me that in this case its psychological state is important in general, and not some classes.

- The very fact that the child does not live with her mother, but with Pope Maxim Chernyavsky in another country, it seems strange for many. How did it work out?

- First of all, the judicial system is largely adjusted, there are many problems. I just got under the millstone system of Russian-American relations, no matter how roughly it sounded. That is, this is not my battle and Max, but the battle of Russia and America, and, unfortunately, there has not yet been a single case when a child with an American passport allowed to take into our country. There is hope that countries will once sign up the Covenant of the Hague Convention, we will go to a new level of international relations, and everything will be solved. I have three children, but if there were one, I would really leave there, went to work in a cafe and would live there. But I have two other children, and I have to understand what will be fine for everyone. You swim and try to drink - I try, I try. Pope of Monica and Pope are trying to establish relationships. I do not keep any evil and resentment: It is clear that a person is always first of all thinks about himself ...

Anna is a bright actress. Her songs are full of passion, and the video to them will not be boring even those who do not like such a stylistics at all

Anna is a bright actress. Her songs are full of passion, and the video to them will not be boring even those who do not like such a stylistics at all

- It's amazing that all these family affairs allow you to fully work ...

"I spend a lot, I am preparing a tour, I want to ride in the fall in the fall." I have many children among fans under fourteen years old, you want them to be at these concerts, because we often act in places where children do not let in the same clubs. Also there are shooting in the TV show, shooting clips, recording an album ... I woke up today, by the way, and I thought that somehow relaxed a little, I think that I didn't seem to be discouraged. And perhaps it happened and because I woke up all week at 8.30 am and did not go anywhere until three o'clock in the afternoon. For me, this is a straight event - I always told myself that only lazy and tuneaders do. But it turns out, no. (Laughs.) Well, on the other hand - when, if not now? I, unfortunately, did not have such an opportunity before, it seemed to me that I had to run like a squirrel in the wheel.

- Is it possible to say that the fathers of your children help you?

- It so happened that my men had it important to prove to me their strength. I was constantly leaving, listening to their phrase: "You will ship to me." And I never had enough trick or the dexterity of the mind, so that they are shipping. I always went with the words: "Thank you for everything, I went." I had wonderful husbands - I guess I did it too hurt, I don't know. I remember, one day came to the club "Dynamo" to get a certificate for Ali. Her dad is already dead, I went into their office and asked: "Why didn't the roller help?" To which I was answered: "He always said: You are strong, you can cope."

- As a rule, in such situations it is about helping children ...

- For some reason, men are difficult to separate a woman from her child. So I especially did not help - only last month Papa Heckers handed out some amount that I cover the month of removable housing. I thanked him and consider it beautiful if a person wants to help. So, something turned in it. For me, alimony was never an end in itself, let her husbands do what they want, and I will do my life. I cope myself. I treat women who do not want to depend on men and whether I have corporate standards or not. For ten years, I myself, myself producer, I do not have a person who puts money into me and says where to go to work. I solve all your questions. I am proud that I myself bought an apartment in a mortgage and now I make repairs. The apartment is cool, big, it is a certain status for me.

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to a third child. Singer called the boy with Hector

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to a third child. Singer called the boy with Hector

- Now they write a lot about supposedly a multi-million inheritance of football player Valentina Belkevich, who should get your older daughter. There is a deal of truth in it?

- For three years in Kiev there is a trial, the essence of which is such that a woman with whom a roller changed to me, said that the only rolling daughter should not get anything. She offered us some kind of garage, and the roller left the apartment and under. And it is important that the daughters are not a garage, but what is. Parents of her father gave all in favor of Alina, but for the past three years I pay a big money to a lawyer, and he goes to court how to work. It seems that only now we won the appellate court, but there will be another one. I do not know how much it will last, I do not bathe in abundance of money. If it is possible to achieve justice, the only thing I will do is to sell it all and putting money to Ale to the account before it eighteen.

- Do you have time for new relationships now?

- Without love, feelings and adventures, it is impossible to live. It is clear that in my heart someone lives, but on what rights, it is not yet clear. Let's see ... I can say that I would definitely not meet with a person who does not like children. He should not be a good father - they have dads, but there must be some kind of beautiful harmony and huge sympathy. And if a person does not have such a sympathy - it means that we are not on the way. Profession, by the way, is unimportant. But I would not only meet with the actor, probably.

- I heard that you have shown yourself also as a businesswoman?

- Yes, I have my own brand of clothes, I am also ambassador brand Clear Shampoo, I have a line of sweets in the confectionery family of Zhukov. But now I am trying to concentrate as much as possible on my main activity: sing, write songs and be an artist. This is the most important thing for me and, of course, my family.

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