Why are men not indifferent to women in uniform?


It so happened that over the past few weeks I managed to travel by the plane a little more often than it requires common sense and implies the instinct of self-preservation. All this could be a reason for Handra, but I managed to avoid it - in many ways, thanks to the good faces of air travel, also known as flight attendants. They are just amazing, even when they simply bring (albeit for your money) a drink that is able to distract from gloomy thoughts caused by the fear of staying at an altitude of nine thousand meters. If it was possible to escape from the economyractus to the world of slippers, metal devices and dishes during lunch, then you will be cute to find out your culinary addiction. Even rude they somehow in their own way charmingly.

One of my friend who has the number of takeoffs and landings can make a worthy competition among his orgasms, flew several times under the auspices of the same stewardess. The sincerity of their relationship has reached the fact that one day the side beauty brought him a generous portion of brandy. "Girl, and what can you offer me?" - asked the intrigued neighbor. "You can offer you to be fastened," she replied and made a serious face. Keeping it with her gaze, the neocular lord murmured something like "what woman!". And what else could he say?

It has long been noticed that we, to put it mildly, are not indifferent to women in uniform. And if the ladies from the tax police and simply the police can cause mischievous feelings, then the stewardles in this hierarchy are on the top of the top. They are slender, cute, their uniforms over the years is becoming better and we meet them in the same moments of emotional instability, and therefore the impression that they produce us, grows as overload when take-off and landing. When at all sorts of boys drunk allows you to start a conversation about sexy fetishes, the topic of flight attendants and a secluded place on board the aircraft appears inevitably. Most likely, these places are terribly uncomfortable for ardent meetings, and almost everyone who tells about what he had it, brazenly lied. But spontaneous onboard romance still no one canceled. It was on board who met his future wife Abramovich. Heppi-End in their relationship, however, did not work, and the marriage, as you know, collapsed. But Irina has five children and compensation, from which many are still unable to many.

Some time ago, one of my familiar with a heavy heart released a husband to Turkey for the adoption of the company's budget. "There is some chalava around!" She was outraged, anticipating the informal part of the leisure of the father of his children. I did not heat passion, although it would be possible to open her eyes: even advanced Shalava with their inflated Botoks Mords and talk about lunch in Four Seasons and sales in Gucci have long come out of fashion. There is much more dangerous onboard girls with their elegant manners and smiles that are becoming more dazzling at the height. Still, a slight hint of role-playing games (as a bonus even to an inexpensive ticket) can justify all the moral humiliation at airports. And if you are afraid to fly and you will need additional attention ... My buddy, brought by fear of flight and "medicines" to the unconscious state, woke up from a slight blow on the head of the trolley with drinks. Looking at the offender, he suddenly felt quite cheerfully. Sex, of course, no, but, leaving the plane, the man realized that she was no longer afraid to fly.

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