Sweet dream: 5 products worth a snack before rest


Good sleep is incredibly important for your health as a whole. It can reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases, keep the health of your brain and strengthen the immune system. It is usually recommended to sleep from 7 to 9 hours continuously every night. There are many strategies that you can use to ensure good sleep, including making changes to your diet, since some products and drinks have facilitated properties. Here are the five best products and drinks that can be eaten before bedtime to improve its quality:


Almonds are one of the types of wood nuts with many properties beneficial for health. They are an excellent source of many nutrients, since 1 oz (28 grams) of dry fried nuts contains 18% of the daily need of an adult in phosphorus and 23% in Riboflavina. Once also provides 25% of the daily need for manganese for men and 31% of the daily need for manganese for women. Regular consumption of almonds is associated with a lower risk of some chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. This is due to their healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants. It is argued that almonds can also improve sleep quality. This is because almonds, along with several other types of nuts, is a source of melatonin hormone. Melatonin regulates your internal clock and signs your body to prepare for sleep.

In almond selena

In almond selena

Photo: unsplash.com.

Almond is also an excellent source of magnesium, providing 19% of your day need of only 30 grams. Consumption of sufficient magnesium can help improve sleep quality, especially for those who suffer from insomnia. It is believed that the role of magnesium in improving sleep is associated with its ability to reduce inflammation. In addition, it can help reduce the level of cortisol stress hormone, which is known, breaks off. In one study, the influence of the feeding of rats of 400 mg of almond extract was studied. It was found that rats slept longer and deeper than without almond extract. The potential influence of almonds for sleep is promising, but more extensive studies in humans are needed.


Turkey delicious and nutritious, she is rich in protein. At the same time, the fried turkey provides almost 8 grams of protein on ounce (28 grams). Protein is important for maintaining the power of your muscles and regulation of appetite. In addition, the turkey is a source of some vitamins and minerals, such as riboflavin and phosphorus. This is an excellent source of selenium, a portion of 3 oz provides 56% of the daily norm.

Turkey has several properties that explain why some people get tired after eating or think that she causes drowsiness. In particular, it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which increases the production of melatonin. Turkey protein can also contribute to increasing fatigue. There are evidence that the consumption of moderate amounts of protein before bed is associated with the best sleep quality, including with a smaller amount of awakening overnight. To confirm the potential role of turkey in improving sleep, additional research is needed.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is a popular herbal tea that is good for health. He is well known for his flavons. Flavon is a class of antioxidants, which reduce inflammation, which often leads to chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. There are also some evidence that the use of chamomile tea can strengthen your immune system, reduce anxiety and depression and improve skin health. In addition, chamomile tea has some unique properties that can improve sleep quality.

In particular, chamomile tea contains apigenin. This antioxidant is associated with certain receptors in your brain that can contribute to drowsiness and reduce insomnia. One study of 2011 with the participation of 34 adults showed that those who used 270 mg of chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days, fell asleep for 15 minutes faster and less woke up at night compared to those who did not take extract. Another study showed that women who drank chamomile tea for 2 weeks reported improved sleep quality compared to those who did not drink tea. Those who drank chamomile tea also had fewer depression symptoms, which is usually associated with sleep problems. If you want to improve sleep quality, be sure to try chamomile tea before bedtime.


Kiwi is a low-calorie and very nutritious fruit. One fruit contains only 42 calories and a significant amount of nutrients, including 71% of the daily norm of vitamin C. It provides men and women 23% and 31% of the vitamin K, in which they need every day. It contains a decent amount of folic acid and potassium, as well as several microelements.

In addition, Kiwi can benefit the health of the digestive system, reduce inflammation and reduce cholesterol levels. These effects are due to the high content of fiber and carotenoid antioxidants that they provide. According to research on their ability to improve sleep quality, Kiwi can also be one of the best products that can be used before bedtime. During a 4-week study, 24 adults consumed two kiwi per hour before sleep every night. At the end of the study, the participants pumped up 42% faster than when they did not eat anything before bed. In addition, their ability to sleep all night without awakening improved by 5%, and the total sleep time increased by 13%.

Eat kiwi fruit before bed

Eat kiwi fruit before bed

Photo: unsplash.com.

Cooperating kiwi effects sometimes bind to serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps adjust the sleep cycle. It was also suggested that anti-inflammatory antioxidants in Kiwi, such as vitamin C and carotenoids, can be partially responsible for their effects that contribute to sleep. Additional scientific data is needed to determine the influence of Kiwi on the improvement of sleep. Nevertheless, I enee 1-2 medium kiwi before bedtime, you can quickly fall asleep and sleep longer.

Sour cherry juice

Sour cherry juice has an impressive health benefit. First, it contains a small amount of some important nutrients, such as magnesium and phosphorus. This is also a good potassium source. A portion of 8 ounces (240 ml) contains 17% of potassium, the necessary woman every day, and 13% of potassium, the necessary man every day. In addition, it is a rich source of antioxidants, including Anthocian and Flavonola. It is also known that the tart cherry juice contributes to drowsiness, and he even studied for his role in alleviating insomnia. For these reasons, the use of tap cherry juice before bedtime can improve sleep quality.

Cooperating the effects of acidic cherry juice are due to the high content of melatonin. In a small study, adults suffering from insomnia drank 240 ml of sour cherry juice twice a day for 2 weeks. They slept for 84 minutes longer and reported better sleep as compared to when they did not drink juice. Although these results are encouraging, more extensive studies are needed to confirm the role of tart cherry juice in improving sleep and prevent insomnia. Nevertheless, it is worth trying to drink some tart cherry juice before bedtime, if you are struggling with insomnia.

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