Myths about cats that can cost them their lives


Think, do you know everything about a fluffy friend? Perhaps, there are popular errors that may be simply dangerous for your pet. We collected the main myths accompanying cats for a long time.

The younger cat, the easier it is tied to a person

You came to choose a kitten, and you liked a tiny kid, who is not also two months: no matter how you wanted it, leave it with your mother. Up to three months of the kittens are absolutely not adapted to life without mother. During this period, he learns the main things that will be needed by a cat in adulthood. Believe me, to teach the baby to the tray or teach not to use claws during the game easier for an adult cat than an adult person.

Kittena can be taken from the mother after 3 months

Kittena can be taken from the mother after 3 months


Castra is harmful

According to statistics of veterinary doctors, sterilized cats live much longer. The thing is that the cat will suffer every flow, as Nature dictates her rules to her, namely - to give birth every year to maintain the population. Sterilization helps to save the cat from unsatisfied desire, which will be tormented not only by her, if not to give him the exit, but also the owner. Moreover, modern drugs and equipment makes this operation pretty quickly and, observing all the recommendations, you can leaving your pet in a few weeks.

Porn cats are very sensitive to preservatives

Porn cats are very sensitive to preservatives


Cat must have to give birth

This is probably the most common misconception. Many owners suffer their experiences on a pet, believing that the family is needed for complete happiness. However, the animal reproduction is no more than an instinct that helps save the view. The cat is not experiencing the mythical feeling of happiness of the motherhood, which the impressionable hosts believes.

Birth is a dangerous and unpredictable process for the animal. In addition, if you are not ready to solve the problem of a large number of fluffy friends in your home, do not even be thrown for the mating of your cat.

Cat can have anything, and nothing will be

Remember that the cat, though the animal, but this does not mean that her digestion is miraculously able to cope with heavy meal from your desk. This is especially true of purebred animals, the organism of which is too sensitive to various kinds of preservatives and chemical additives.

Of course, there are owners who hold their animals on the nutrition, which they adhere to themselves, and, at first glance, the animal is not confused. You are just lucky, and your pet has a strong immunity, but it does not mean that you can advise such a diet to your friends who have cats.

Cats are not afraid of heights

Cats are not afraid of heights


Cat can live on fish and milk

Cat eating fish and drinking all this business milk, you can meet in cartoons. In real life, such a diet can lead to failures in the work of many systems of the body. For example, excessive fish consumption can lead to pathologies of output systems, and milk contributes to diarrhea.

Cat for nothing herself will jump out of the window

The fact is that cats there is no fear of height, which means living on the seventh floor your favorite can well get on the balcony, seeing a tempting bird.

Pet safety in your hands, so closely watch the windows in the apartment tightly closed, especially if you live high.

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