Useful Fresh from Tatiana Kotova


- Tatyana, Cabbage types Many: Kohlrabi, Brussels, Color, Broccoli and others ... What kind of like you?

- Most recently learned that the Beijing cabbage not only reduces the level of sugar and enhances immunity, but also greatly strengthens the nervous system, which is known to creative people in the risk area. Yes, and it tastes very gentle and pleasant. I also support fashion on broccoli. And the one who believes that of it is simply impossible to cook something delicious, probably, simply did not try the classic dish of French cuisine - broccoli cream soup with cream.

- At school age, eat the cabbage dish was considered to be punished. Did you somehow teach yourself to these vegetables?

- Punishment? In childhood, we are holy believe parents who claim to find us in Cabesto. (Laughs.) Therefore, cabbage for many children is a sacred vegetable. And seriously, I was lucky: I feel very tasty my mother, so I never sat on a plate with tears in my eyes.

- In childhood, what dishes loved?

- Vareniki! And she could calmly lose the bill when it was necessary to find some kind of pleasant surprise under the old new year.

- And now?

- At the heart of my diet - green vegetables and fruits, white meat, low-fat beef, white fish and at least two liters of water per day. Moreover, for food, I try to eat five or six times a day in small portions. On shooting, photo session, rehearsal Always take containers with food.

- Often it is possible to cook yourself?

- Kitchen for me is a kind of relax zone. Recently, the schedule is scheduled for many months ahead, so it is infrequently ready to prepare. I do it only when I want to surprise your loved one or please close friends.

- What do you choose your friends?

- I can cook and borsch with pampels, and dumplings with cherries loose, and a cake in two floors bake. (Smiles.) It all depends on mood and time. As for the cabbage, I really like a variety of freshly squeezed Freasses from the variety Kale. The most interesting thing is that the content of amino acids feces is not inferior to fresh meat! Yes, and calcium in it is more than in milk.

Fresh from vegetables is very useful

Fresh from vegetables is very useful


Fresh from Tatiana Kotova

Through the juicer, skip 700 g of cabbage Calais, 2 medium peeled carrots, 1 small lemon without peel, 2 medium apples without cores. Spin on glasses and serve to breakfast. You can also use for the preparation of juice 5 leaves feces, an apple, 2 celery stems and 2 medium carrots. Very tasty and useful!

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