Angelina Jolie called a wedding with Brad Pitt boring


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt continue to give interviews in support of their new joint film "Cote d'Azur." However, fortunately for their fans, the star couple also frankly speaks of their personal relationships. In one of the recent conversations with journalists, Jolie revealed their details with the Pitt of the wedding.

"The wedding ceremony took place in France. But officially we became my husband and wife in California, "says the actress. - We were in the assembly, Brad did something. Assistant came and said: "You need to sign some papers." And a little later, in the breaks between the two meetings, he said to us: "Here is your marriage permission. The judge is waiting outside the door. " After the judge came, and Brad asked him: "Maybe we need to get up?" He said: "No" And here we unexpectedly understood that we were already married. That's how we are ordinary, even bored became spouses. "

Of course, later there was a real celebration, which was attended by all six children of the star couple. And there was a wedding dress from Versace, decorated with drawings of daughters and sons of newlyweds. And wedding rings. However, not at all this moment in his life with Brad Angelina considers the most important.

"For me, the most important event was when Brad signed documents on the joint adoption of Maddox and Zakhara. When they made a decision together to become parents, forever become part of each other's life. And this moment does not keep any comparison with the wedding, "admitted Angelina Jolie.

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