Alena Vodonaeva tried out a wedding dress


Alena Vodonaeva is preparing for the wedding. In the summer of this year, the first information appeared that the star found a man's dream. It turned out that 33-year-old Vodonaeva meets with the 27-year-old Anton Tattoo Master. "In principle, nothing special happens. I just made my man 4 tattoos! Three legs, one under his heart. Only him and more to anyone. I am a very exclusive tattooker "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.)," Alena wrote.

After some time, Vodonaeva admitted in his official group "VKontakte", which resides in status without five minutes of married: "Okay girls, I will say first -" yes. " I have been several days as the bride. "

Further more. After some time, the star laid out a snapshot on which it can be seen how she and her chosen one demonstrate wedding rings. Moreover, the guy in the hands of the passport! Vodonaeva fans immediately decided that the lovers filed a statement to the registry office. They could hardly get married, knowing the love of Alena to traditional weddings. So marriage without lush celebrations and dresses could not take place.

This snapshot from the wedding salon recently appeared in the microblog of the water. Photo:

This snapshot from the wedding salon recently appeared in the microblog of the water. Photo:

And here in the microblog of Alena appeared a snapshot in the wedding dress. Photo She signed simply: "Sweet November." It is not yet known whether it will be in it at the wedding, although, according to rumors, it is exactly the same dress. The fans were pleased for their idols and came to the conclusion that this style of girl is very suitable. "A breathtaking dress," the fans commented. At the same time, the snapshot convinced not everyone. Particularly incredulous were considered that Alena simply "Intrigue creates." Apparently, the truth about this dress we will find out only when Vodonaeva still marries. By the way, it will be her second marriage. Alena two years ago divorced with a businessman Alexei Malakeyev.

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