Preparing delicious: Cheat sheet for the use of spices


In order to buy seasoning, more optionally go to the south - in stores there are a huge selection of spices. And if everything is clear with the laurel sheet and dried garlic, then the overseas titles of the type "Orego", "Anis" and "Tmin" are a little confused. The hand involuntarily reaches the universal seasoning, because it can be added to any dish - do not make mistakes. With our crib, you can experiment and create such a seasoning yourself.


In culinary purposes, seeds of leaves and oil of this plant are used. Anise is added to vegetable salads (especially with cabbage, carrots and beets), in baking (bread, cookies, biscuits and gingerbreads), sauces, marinades and soft drinks. The leaves can be added to the first and second dishes, as well as in tea. The spice is well combined with meat (especially with beef), fish, seafood, as well as oatmeal and rice.

Anise Plant contains many useful substances: vitamins C, K, B, fatty acids, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper and essential oils. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, increases libido in women and restores the potency in men.


Basil is considered to be a natural aphrodisiac. It strengthens immunity, increases stress resistance, has a rejuvenating effect. It is often used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Green leaves are added mainly in salads. Fresh basil can be freeze or dry so that in winter you have always had a stock of this utility plant. In the dried form, the seasoning can be added to drinks, sauces, salads and soups, and in frozen - in preparing hot dishes.


Spicy aroma of carnations is invariably associated with mulled wine. But it will add unique notes in second dishes and confectionery. When choosing a spice, pay attention to the fact that it happens not only hammer, but also a whole. The latter is not suitable for cooking, gingerbread and other sweets.

The carnation is added to meat, eggplants, tomatoes, beans and peppers. It will also be perfectly complementing stew, Lobio and Sweet Sustal Sauces (Adzhika, Ketchup).


It is believed that the aroma of cinnamon attracts men, reduces stress, improves memory and brain activity.

The smell of cinnamon in many are associated with a sweet bun-synabone. It is not surprising, because mostly this seasoning is added to baking (gingerbread, cookies, muffins) and other confectionery. But it is found in the recipes of fruit salads, warming drinks (tea, morse, mulled wine), soups, sauces and marinades. In America, cinnamon is added to porridge (more often in oatmeal). And of course, without cinnamon it is impossible to imagine baked apples with honey.

The aroma of cinnamon soothes

The aroma of cinnamon soothes


Red pepper

It has a greater sharp taste than black. It is believed that this spice improves digestion, speeds up the process of restoring forces, stimulates hair growth, removes an extra liquid from the body and even burns calories. Sometimes red pepper is eaten untreated: dip in the broth or finely cut into the dish. In the hammer form it is added to the dishes from mushrooms and vegetables. By the way, the paprika is also ground pepper, only sweet and not always burning.

For those who love jogging

For those who love jogging



Lovely eastern seasoning is applied in cooking for quite a long time. It is usually used when preparing a pilaf - due to its saturated yellow color, it gives the dish appetizing golden shade. Now the turmeric is put almost everywhere, with the exception of some national dishes (for example, borscht). But it is perfect for the preparation of pea, lentils, hot soups and vegetable puree.

Turmeric gives a decide golden color

Turmeric gives a decide golden color



Oregano is actively used as seasonings for vegetables, fruit, berry and cereal dishes. Also add spice to drinks, sauces, filling for pies, pickles and marinades. He is radically changing the taste and aroma of dishes. Previously, this seasoning was called simply "Oshinitsa". It improves immunity, contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body, reduces pressure and helps with colds. The fragrance oregano is very strong, so it's not worth putting it too much. Perfectly combined with rice, meat, chicken and wine. And this seasoning is a mandatory ingredient in Pepperoni Pizza.


Paprika has a rich red color and therefore adorns any dish. Basically, it makes it from weakly varieties of peppers, but when buying still pay attention to the composition. There are 7 species of this seasoning, among which are also sharp. Paprika is suitable for paste and pizza, it is added to vegetable pilaf, risotto, soups and stew. It gives a more rich color to meat, improves the taste of a skewer marinade.

Among 7 types of paprika are sharp

Among 7 types of paprika are sharp


Thyme (Chabret)

On store shelves you probably saw tea packaging with a chamber. Indeed, this spice is most often used in the preparation of warming drinks. But the cookies use thyme when frying or marinating cheese, as well as in cold snacks and salads. Guests will certainly appreciate a chicken or meat steak baked with a chamber. It is also suitable for fish (especially salmon) and vegetable salads.


Cumin favorably affects the body: removes spasms, reduces stress, improves the brain, immunity and has a positive effect on the reproductive function. It is put in warming drinks, potatoes, stew, casserole and other vegetable dishes. It is perfectly combined with lamb and beef. Also, Tmin meets as part of some confectionery (loaves, gingerbread and tortilla).

Black pepper

Perhaps the most popular seasoning of all. It is no coincidence that it is on the tables in any restaurant. Black pepper strengthens the immune system, contributes to the dissolution of cholesterol plaques and improves the intestinal operation. Only one pinch is attached to the dish spicy and makes the aroma brighter. Black peppers are traditionally seasoned meat and fish, but sometimes added to sweets (for example, in gingerbread). In addition, black pepper has a lightweight preservative effect, so it is put in pickles.

Black pepper is used in baking

Black pepper is used in baking


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