Years are no longer: 5 products that accelerate the aging of the body


There are two main "culprits" that accelerate the process of aging of our skin: the effects of the Sun and products with improved glying (AGE). Age changes become noticeable when protein or fat in cells are connected to sugar. Although these causes of aging are not 100% under our control, the use of sunscreen and attention to their nutrition as a whole can help how our body protects and treats our skin. And although it is easier to say about your diet than to do, it is always useful to have a slight reminder of how certain products can affect the health of your skin. Our list can help in this.

Free from Batat instead of Potatoes Free

Potatoes FRI accelerates aging because it is fried and salty. Products roasted in oil at high temperatures are isolated free radicals that can cause damage to skin cells. The impact of free radicals accelerates the process of aging due to actions called cross-conjugation. Cross conjugation affects DNA molecules and can weaken the elasticity of the skin. Moreover, consumption of too much salt can remove the fluid from the body and cause dehydration - it makes your skin prone to the formation of wrinkles. Replace french fries baked potatoes or fried sweet potatoes. The battle is rich in the "anti-aging" copper, which contributes to the development of collagen.

Batat - Healthy Alternative to Potato

Batat - Healthy Alternative to Potato


Bread from germinated grains instead of white bread

When refined carbohydrates are integrated with protein, it causes the formation of AGES. AGE has a direct impact on chronic diseases, as well as on the process of aging. Products with a high glycemic index, such as white bread, can cause inflammation in the body, which is directly related to the aging process. Try an alternative to traditional bread, such as bread made of germinated grain, not containing added sugar. Gestroined bread also contains antioxidant useful skin.

Honey or fruit instead of white sugar

Sugar is known for its negative effect on the quality of the skin. As mentioned above, sugar contributes to the formation of AGE, damaging collagen. When the sugar level rises, the AGE process is accelerated. It is even more accelerated if sunshine is involved. Therefore, instead of eating ice cream on the beach, select refreshing frozen fruits or eskimo without adding sugar. Take fruit or black chocolate when you want something sweet. In particular, the blueberry prevents the collagen loss, as studies have shown on animals.

Olive oil or avocado instead of margarine

Early studies have shown that those who do not use margarine or oil, less skin damage and wrinkles than those who eat them. Margarine is worse than the average portion of the present cream oil due to the fact that it has many partially hydrogenated oils. These transgicial acids make the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, which can damage collagen and skin elasticity. Replace margarine olive oil or spread toast avocado, rich "anti-aging" antioxidants.

Sausage and similar products are harmful due to the high salt content

Sausage and similar products are harmful due to the high salt content


Choose a bird instead of meat

Hot dogs, pepperoni, bacon and sausage - all these examples of treated meat, which can be harmful to the skin. It is a high sodium meat, saturated fats and sulfite, which can dehydrate the skin and weaken collagen, causing inflammation. To get inexpensive protein products, replace the processed meat on eggs or beans. Choose more lean meat, for example turkey and chicken. This meat contains protein and amino acids that are necessary for the natural formation of collagen.

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