Konstantin Kryukov: "No one ever satisfied in our family"


Actor Konstantin Kryukov Today, gripping - he is removed immediately in several film projects, recently introduced a new jewelry collection, and recently also became the leading stars and mystic program with Konstantin Kryukov. However, he plans his time to pay attention to both the family, and a little daughter, and his beloved Girl.

- Konstantin, you give the impression of an absolute esthete, intellectual and rationalist, and suddenly - a program about mysticism. In my opinion, she does not fit with your image.

- But she tugs with me from the point of view of the movie! (Laughs.) And the cinema - and there is a mystic in itself. We create an artificial world, a dream factory. In ordinary people who came to the shooting area, shock happen. They also think that everything is simple: removed - released. And they do not imagine that 150 people sometimes work for a minute of appearance, and they also drive 25 tanks and 35 helicopters. And the transformation of actors in the characters is also a mystical process. Often people are suitable for me and talking not to me, but with my hero. And I do not know how to react to it. When there was a TV series "Love as love", mature women approached me, said: "Misha, what didn't you fly to America? You have a writer Shura-Mura ... "I answered:" Granny, I'm not Misha, I - Kostya. " Or the question that I heard a fifteen times after "9 company": "Broken, why did you go from the dugout? You would not kill you then. " People perceived me as a person who fought and who was killed in Afghan. Funny, mystical situation. And with such reincarnations is associated with all the acting life.

"You yourself yourself, before getting your first role in" 9 ", did not belong to the cinema seriously?

- Before I got on the set, it seemed to me that all this was children's games. But when I saw a huge film crew, on the first day I realized how difficult it was and what great professionalism, knowledge and many other human qualities it requires. In general, I must say that for me, as for a believer, there is no mysticism. But there are some coincidences that are not always accidental. So I am now shooting in the painting "The Best Caucasus Girl". And I understand that this scenario is completely about me. My hero is Austrian who accidentally hits the Caucasus. I spent my childhood in Switzerland, at the age of 16 came to study at the Moscow Law Academy, and as it is known, the jurisprudence is popular among Caucasians. And today half of my friends - Caucasians. And when you get a script and understand that it is very connected with you, it is also strange. Your colleagues come on and say: "Of course, your uncle Fedor Bondarchuk arranged for the" best Girl of the Caucasus ". What do you think about it?" And I treat it only as an irony on my destiny.

- Did you have any superstition during your course? Do you wish something?

- I have no superstitions. I am not sitting on the script, if it falls, and not a gnaw on the seed pad, because they simply do not like them. I have only one understanding today, which I gave me a movie: in life you need to be prepared for everything. Because often, removing in some scenes, I said: this does not happen at all! And then, after a year or two, it turned out in exactly the same situation.

- Despite the fact that the movie happened in your life by chance, now we are talking to you as a prevailing actor.

- I hope.

- And you would not want to get even an acting education now? Take our experience and theoretical database?

- It seems to me that it is already late to receive, and objectively I do not allow this to make my employment. Then I don't really like to learn in educational institutions: in my opinion, they are all very unified and not very effective. Today we live in an era of the absolute availability of information, and it is easier to engage in self-education. Read, learn, communicate and do it in private. I do not think that I could now afford to reach somewhere for five years. If I have a task to work with a voice, I can hire a teacher. Moreover, on the set of almost every painting, I have to learn something, ranging from fridising and horse riding to different games. Now I am removing from Grigory Constantinople and even recorded three songs, although I can't stand in karaoke. And one of them I even really liked!

- And old skills continue to improve? For example, your ability to draw?

- Art education - a very chamber. For me, this is a kind of ritual, involving calm and lack of external irritating factors. Last year I had no such opportunity. To sit down and at least start writing a great work in a crazy Moscow boiler with a constantly calling phone - absolutely unrealistic.

- And your studio in Prague is still preserved?

"No, she was there, because before my father lived in Karlovy Vary. He had a business in the Czech Republic, and I often flew to him. And now I live in the city, and my temple in the house is my office. There I even have an easel and paints are laid out. Just in case.

- And the pictures, at least part of the collection, probably stored too?

- Yes, paintings are almost all at home. There are 3-4 works that hang from friends and Pope in Austria. All others - I have. But visual art is constantly present in my life thanks to my jewelry work. After all, it is not easy - the sketch drew and immediately sold it. In order to complete the first collection, I made about 600 sketches. And ideas come constantly, I have something like something. In fact, jewelry art is the quintessence of all my life classes. And the fact that I am an actor and a public person gives me great advantages and in promoting our goods, and yourself as a jeweler. Success in the acting profession largely depends on the case - from the script, from the director. And here I am not responsible for what is happening. And very glad that the business was for me the same creative layer as the acting activity.

- You went to the art school to learn thanks to the grandfather, film director Sergey Bondarchuk; Jewelry was engaged in the council of the Father, and Uncle invited to the cinema. Thanks to your family that brought you up with such a versatile?

- Of course, the qualities that parents invest in you are playing a major role. And then no less important what you get. When I studied at school, I had one hated object - biology. I did not understand at all: why do I teach me the inner structure of a worm? At some point came to the teacher and I say: "I can no longer go to your lessons?" What he said: "We are not here for your worm about the worm, and so that you receive information from completely different industries and could understand how to work with it. Therefore, sit and develop. " My father laid the same thing. The main thing is to be able to work with information. And in which environment to apply it, who you want to become - this is your solution.

- And now your father is pleased with the way your professional career has?

- It seems to me that no one ever satisfied in our family. If you are pleased - it's time to retire, rest and do nothing. It is a brake of progress - to be satisfied with everything that happens. Always want better, more interesting, more difficult, above, somehow develop, otherwise - a stupor.

- How does Grandma appreciate, actress Irina Skobseva, actor Konstantin Kryukov?

- The incentive system is not particularly productive. Most often after the next my work, Irisha sits down and starts explaining to me in detail, where and how it was possible to finish something. And I am very happy about this, because it is a person with incredible experience. I love to consult with her and with Fedor, but Fedor, unfortunately, just less time.

- With my mother's care Who became for you now the closest advice from the family - grandmother, dad?

- It is very difficult to make a hierarchy from relatives and people close to me, because they are all equivalent to me and the roads, and I can not allocate any of them. The Father and Mom always had their own friends and advisors for me. We all communicate with each other, try to help something, advise, support.

- Alina has already become a full member of your family?

- Sure!

- You are a note of fashion. Is your style in clothes - your hand?

- In terms of clothing in front of me from childhood, there were at least examples of Father and Fedor. It seems to me that for a normal man fashion should not take a lot of time. And if I followed her, it would probably be now in the priests and narrow jeans. And so we have everything in the family - big lovers of classics. In this direction, the men's fashion did not change much. The only thing we earn, the more expensive the fabric costumes becomes. I am not a big lover of pursuing brands, and if there is an opportunity, you spend the costumes for yourself. It is much more interesting, because you can choose everything yourself - from buttons to the fabric lining and the shape of the jacket lapels.

- And how important is your hobby teapot and tea?

- I travel a lot, and my passion for tea and teapot has already passed into a great passion to China. And Alina is the third week fanatically studied Chinese! Tea I still love very much and always driven with sobcs. I can forget to put socks, but tea is never. This is already a subject of personal comfort. From the teas I only love Chinese. Although one day the Indians treated me with a real Assam, and I was the happiest man when I drank him in the morning.

"I really liked it: you were fascinated by China, and Chinese teaches Alina."

- Being one common whole, it is necessary that this whole necessarily knew Chinese. (Laughs.) Yes, and I would have learned the language with pleasure, I just don't have time for it. But Alina now comes and in the evenings it tells me about the keys and hieroglyphs. In general, I have a dream to work with the Chinese in the movies. Everyone is burning with Hollywood, but it seems to me that in Asia much more interesting.

- Your daughter Yule from the first marriage in September turned five years old. Have time to pay attention to her?

- Of course, if I am in Moscow, I try to see me, communicate, play. But there is an objective reality for which it does not work very often. I grew up in an undelivered family, but at the same time I also did not often see my father, because since childhood was accustomed to the fact that the dad should work. Yulki has a wonderful mother, Mom has a wonderful husband, a daughter - there are two beautiful dads. Everything is fine, in my opinion! (Laughs.)

- Before you starred in "9", no one knew that you belong to the famous cinematic dynasty. But now your surname is known, and wears her and your daughter. Do you think I will put the fact that she is the daughter of Konstantin Kryukov?

- My mother and I deliberately furnished everything so that I do not concern it at all. We do not take pictures of it, we do not give any interviews and do not show anywhere. If she wants to develop in this direction, to have some publicity, to engage in a creative profession, which involves advertising itself, - we will help her and give advice. In the meantime, she should have his own private life, which is more valuable than everything else.

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