We help the child to decide on the profession


When parents impose their way to the child, trying to embody unrealized dreams or secure him from mistakes, they make a bear service. Believe me, even at 16-18 years old, your child is already a self-sufficient person who can take responsibility for the decisions made. The role of the parent in the choice of profession is to give an undistant advice and support in any undertaking. We tell me that it will help you give delivere recommendations.

Take into account the hobby

Check than the child loves to do. Perhaps he painted all childhood or went to the artistic circle? The quality of character and habits are formed from childhood, so the hobby directly affects the person. Chess develop logical thinking and perseverance, dancing - communicative skills and ability to be an optimist in any situation, singing - the ability to stay in the public and present yourself. Sit together with the child and write down all the positive and negative sides of his personality on the sheet, and then think what professions they correspond.

Hobbies will say more than unreasonable desires

Hobbies will say more than unreasonable desires

Photo: unsplash.com.

Combate career guidance tests

To help children decide on the future profession, school psychologists spend special tests. During them, there are conclusions about the type of character, the level of intelligence, mainly developed by the hemisphere of the brain and personal preferences of a person. According to the test results, a psychologist makes recommendations to a graduate on what professions he can take place as a specialist. If professional guidance events are not held at school, it is necessary to sign up for tests at the university or the center of advanced training - there are teachers to analyze the child's psyche.

Pay attention to the routine

In pursuit of the prestigious formation of the political scientist or surgeon, you may not notice obvious. For example, how much time your child spends on computer games or how to organize large-scale parties for friends. Meanwhile, psychologists are confident that the best profession is the one that fits into the usual routine of life. Pay attention to the modern professions - the SMM Specialist, Programmer, Event Organizer, Coach and Others. Often they can bring much more income than the standard profession of economist or accountant. Talk to the child's friends, his teachers and close relatives: Surely, each of them noticed for him some of the features that would associate the right decision.

Note that he is doing every day

Note that he is doing every day

Photo: unsplash.com.

Unique mix of professions

If your heir goes crazy in the flour of choice between two professions, suggest it to start both. There are two options here: Internship for each specialty and selection of the only option, or combining a quarry. For example, a child wants to be a journalist and a programmer at the same time. It makes sense to go to learn the programmer to master the technical part, but in parallel to practice writing articles. Combining two professions, a person becomes a specialist of a narrow profile and moves along the horizontal trajectory of the career development. This is a unambiguous trend of the future, which will work on your hand.

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