How to cope with panic attack


According to the Sociological study of the ADAA, conducted in 2007, about 19 million people suffer from various phobias. And in women, the critical state was diagnosed twice as much as men. For the same reason, it is important to know the methods of working with the subconscious, helping to exit the state of shock and apathy in a short time.

What is a panic attack?

Panic attack is an intense and long period of unreasonable anxiety. It can last from a few minutes to several hours. Symptoms of panic attack - rapid heartbeat, dizziness, chest pain, intestinal spasms, difficulty breathing and misunderstanding of the environment. A person can cry or nervously laughing, because he is not able to evaluate the safety of the surrounding environment and cope with its emotions. If you are near, the best help is a calm voice to explain that he does not threaten anything to him and you want to help solve the problem.

Panic attack is dangerous for psyche

Panic attack is dangerous for psyche


How to stop panic attack?

Admit that you have a panic attack. The first step towards solving the problem is its awareness. As soon as you are aware of the attack, it will be easier to overcome it and warn the repetition of similar symptoms.

Start deep breathe. Fold hands with a boat and bring to the face, closing your mouth and nose. Make deep breaths to the nose and mouth outdiffs. The heated air saturated with carbon dioxide, according to psychologists, helps calm down and slow the heartbeat to an ordinary pulse.

Close your eyes. Once you leveled your breath, you can proceed to practical steps. You need to abstract from the surrounding environment and close your eyes. Imagine a place in the imagination where you are always good and calm - it may be an apartment, a country house, a sea shore or a favorite cafe. It does not matter the place itself, but the associated emotions. Positive memories provoke braking in the brain, which sends response signals to stop the production of adrenaline hormone: the sweating stops, the pulse slows down and consciousness is released from alarming thoughts.

To overcome fear, you need to imagine a safe place.

To overcome fear, you need to imagine a safe place.


Relax muscles. Excellent practice after the voltage of nerves - meditation and stretching. We advise you to take a few lessons at the yoga coach and from time to time to go to group training in the gym. Learn to breathing exercises, for example, inhaling deep through the nose and dramatically exhaled through the mouth - this practice allows you to exit excess energy and relax.

Work over errors. You must understand that provokes panic attacks. Sit and write down everything that worries you. It is better to do this in the morning as soon as you woke up while the consciousness is clear. Having reveaning the reason, solve the problem yourself or contact a psychologist for help.

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