Definitely not he: what errors you can allow when choosing a husband


According to statistics, one of the main problems of residents of large cities is the lack of a permanent partner. Sometimes despair leads to the fact that a woman is enough for the first man who is most often absolutely not suitable, as a result - a fast divorce and again everything in a circle. We decided to find out how to approach the question of choosing a partner for a serious relationship so that you will not regret your decision.

Your ideal is unreal

Perfection does not exist, but this does not mean that it does not need to strive for him. The same can be said about the choice of a man for the role of her husband. Of course, I want to expect from his man a combination of incompatible: brutality and softness, determination and federation, passion and tenderness. Find a man who would satisfy all needs is almost impossible. Many women desperately do not want to admit this, staying in anticipation of "one", at this time missing really worthy candidates. Try to make a list of the qualities important for you in a man and think about each of them - whether he really must have it or you can make a discount in favor of other advantages.

You may not like this man

Another common mistake is to "eat" on a man or even a few who do not like you frankly. It happens, we all have our own type, it's not always a concrete person. Perceiving the alienation of a man as a reason for active conquest, a woman turns the male indifference to indignation: few who like the obsession from the person who is unpleasant you. Relationship cannot be built on the bottom of only one partner and the obvious lack of interest from the other. It is important to understand that you are also rejected into the heart of a person. Otherwise, unfortunately, in no way.

Ideal does not exist

Ideal does not exist


You get acquainted in unsuitable condition

A popular error of a busy woman is to take care of a man when the woman herself is in a overloaded state. Most often, fatal dating occurs on vacation, where our business Wanman is sent after a hard working year. Trying to relax, you begin to show favorables to men, in which they would not even pay attention in the usual and assembled state. Is it worth saying that marriages with similar partners are doomed to failure, be careful when the next time you "swell" on the beach. Cute guy.

Turn off the "running" string in the eyes

Agree, a woman who is looking for a husband is visible immediately. This does not have anything surprising: not every representative of the beautiful floor can come to terms with the thought of a non-incentive marriage. In such a situation, the woman begins to take active measures - she sees her husband in every first, it happens that the man liked it turns out to be incomprehensible, but even this circumstance does not stop the persistent woman. Men practically always scare women walking "heads", and therefore pay the turnover if they recognized themselves in the description, do not leave attempts to find a worthy man, but do not eat - you do not want to scare it?

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