The star Comedy Woman told about the collision of aircraft


After the tragedy that happened in the sky over Sinai, many very painfully transfer any information related to aircraft. Therefore, the report on PE, which happened at the airport of Khabarovsk, caused a horror and negative reaction. The whole evening on the network discussed the reasons for what happened, and also followed the fate of the actress Marina Fedunkiv.

It is worth recalling that yesterday afternoon Boeing 777, which was supposed to fly at 14.30 from Khabarovsk to Moscow (at 7.30 in Moscow), while driving on the runway hung the tail of the An-26 aircraft. As a result, Boeing, with 400 passengers on board, was deformed wing. Naturally, the flight was canceled. Some passengers placed in the hotel at the airport, and the locals went home.

In proof that she was on that ill-fated flight, Fedunkiv published a shot of a landing coupon. Photo:

In proof that she was on that ill-fated flight, Fedunkiv published a shot of a landing coupon. Photo:

Comedy Woman Marina Fedunkiv, who returned to the tour was also in the ill-fated airplane. In his microblog, she shared emotions about the experience: "Marynochka flew into Khabarovsk to corporate ... held it. I got home, called. Flight Khabarovsk-Moscow. On the take-off strip, when driving, our plane rammed the wing another, which was at the airport. All from the plane brought, at night they promised another flight. About the stress of passengers, given the news about the planes of the last days, I think you can not tell. And so it is clear that it was very strong ... P. S. The flight now promise only at 7.00 am !!! " (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.).

Marina fans are greatly worried about Marina. Some Khabarovskians even offered actress to spend the night at home: "Marina, I live in Khabarovsk, permanently over. Marina, come to visit, weld up))) Marina !!! Come to pancakes to us !!! "

All night after the incident, Marina supported her director Igor. Photo:

All night after the incident, Marina supported her director Igor. Photo:

The rest simply wrote support words. "Marinochka, successful you fly. Drink the skate and delay the ... The main thing is all intact and healthy ... Everything will be fine ... - Subscribers expressed their opinion. - Jet. I am glad that before takeoff. Hold on, we are experiencing for you (fans). And I just read the news that one passenger fell from a ladder in Khabarovsk at evacuation with Boeing ... Marina! I wish you to get home and quickly! Well what's going on then! "

Fedunkiv hotly thanked his readers, and at the same time he told how he spent the night waiting for the flight: "We went to the second day in Khabarovsk ... at 4 in the morning they did not give the scrambled eggs, the director Igor Fryruy flew. As so, the actress without breakfast. P. s. Thank you all so much for the support of the previous post! All comments read, very grateful! "

As it turned out, passengers could fly to Moscow much later. According to news agencies, the new plane left Khabarovsk only at 9 am Monday (at 2 am in Moscow).

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