Maria Andreeva: "There is no greater happiness than the kid"


Not everyone manages to preserve the fragile balance of its world, but actress Maria Andreeva is exactly from such personalities. Moreover, not a formalist, with passion perceives everything that happens and seems to be categorically unable to approach something with a "cold nose". And the fact that this year she became the mother of the Son Ilya, only aggravated her ferventness and non-indigration. Actress spoke about all this and many other things in an interview with the "Atmosphere" magazine.

- Maria, firstborn wanted a guy?

"For some reason I always seemed to me that the first I would have a girl, but I was on the seventh heaven when I learned that the boy would be born. I heard that the girls are creatures of capricious, and hard mothers with them. Now to all girlfriends who are still without children, saying that there is no greater happiness than the kid. You see, as my son looks at me, not a single man watched in my life. (Smiles.) Adjusting. This is cosmic sensations!

- The choice of name - the lesson is responsible. Ilya - because rarely meets?

- No, we did not focus on it. The name is beautiful, and in Georgia it is, and since I have a husband - Georgians, it was important for us.

- You honestly confess that you are not trying to be perfect mom at all - you can sleep, when I want, and do not do something at home, if you do not have time ...

"Yeah, I don't want to create an idyllic image that later I still will not be able to match. During pregnancy, I read the mountains of specialized literature, went to Lyudmila Petranovskaya lecture, which writes on this topic amazingly easily and accessible, but the knowledgeable people know that the motherhood cannot be prepared. The theory is good in terms of a psychological approach, but in practice everything is solved intuitively. In reality, you pay the maximum time to the child, and from some irrelevant affairs refuse, and thus you are in convenient for you, comfortable conditions.

Shirt, Vassa & Co; Pants, Preen by Thornton Bregazzi (Larobe); suspenders, Stella McCartney (Vipavenue); Hat, Myari.

Shirt, Vassa & Co; Pants, Preen by Thornton Bregazzi (Larobe); suspenders, Stella McCartney (Vipavenue); Hat, Myari.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- On the program Ivan Urgant, you shared more than an excellent Lifehak - said that we calm the son with the sound of a working hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner.

- This is not my invention. There are special programs for children's sleep based on "white noise". Personally, I initially found out empirically - Ilyusha cried, I went into the bathroom, turned on the water, and he fell asleep.

- I suspect that you are not from those girls who are already in his youth about the offspring ...

"No, no, then I had completely different thoughts." Basically about light travel. And now my dream is to show the whole world Ilya. I hope with him together to stand China Kojawka. This is my old big dream. So it all happened harmoniously - Ilyusha appeared exactly when necessary.

- A five-month old person is already manifested?

- I would not describe his character - it still will change, the kids have too mobile nature. One thing I know for sure that for my part I will give him the right to be any.

- Have you passed through the revaluation of values?

- Certainly, but because there are no free hours for thought, it is difficult to formulate it. True, there are moments in which I catch yourself on the fact that I react to the situation dramatically rather than before. But in general, from a philosophical point of view, when the child appears on the light, he carries the unequivocal message of his mother that from this day everything goes into the background - in the first only needs of the crumbs. So this is undoubtedly the strongest transformation for any woman. Actually, the responsible fathers are experiencing the same. It turns out, you want it or not, ready or not, to a greater degree of egoist to be stopped - the focus of attention is shifting to the concern about the new person. And it seems to me that such a logical development of the person is extremely correct. In the first months of life on Earth, the kid must absorb love and feel the most necessary, most important, center of the universe.

Dress, fendi (vipavenue); Boots, Rocco P. (Vipavenue); glasses, Linda Farrow (Larobe); Earrings, Koko Room

Dress, fendi (vipavenue); Boots, Rocco P. (Vipavenue); glasses, Linda Farrow (Larobe); Earrings, Koko Room

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- Obviously, the postpartum depression you avoided.

"Yes, I heard about such experiences and how traumatic experience for a woman, but I was glory to God, they passed." Need to slip. (Smiles.)

- In the future, you see yourself a strict mom or, rather, a true friend?

- It is better to adhere to the model of a supporting, wise adult, which allows the child to fully develop, without squeezing it with a rigid framework and without imposing its own unrealized ambitions. In Soviet times, everyone was brought up according to the scheme, and this would be avoided. It is very important to keep confidence that children do not fear to contact their parents in any difficult situation, they were not afraid of punishment and condemnation. I will be glad if Ilya will become doing what he likes. I am not at all close approach, when the siblings over the measure are loaded with studying, circles, sections, without giving to taste careless childhood. Five languages ​​and playing cello is exclusively about parent vanity, and the boy, most likely, dreams of playing with friends in the courtyard in football or draw, in the end. It is useful to be sensitive and listen. Especially in our ultra-speed era.

- Your childhood accounted for nineties, and I surprised for myself learned that for five years, during the very period of formation, you studied in the spiritual seminary. This experience had an indirect influence on your further fate?

- In my memories it is a very bright, a safe period where we sang a liturgy in the temple, painted biblical plots in the album, studied art. It was such a disciplined, noble upbringing of girls. Infinitely grateful to his mother and dad, that they gave me there. And I still kept the relationship with my then girlfriend. It was important for me to gain values ​​in those walls and immersion later in the usual high school, let it even with an English bias, but with its rude realities. I could compare two different worlds. The collision was not cloudless, I didn't find a common language with classmates, I was not already familiar to me relaxed and in risen, and in one of the conflicts I even broke my hand. It happened. Recently, this boy wrote to me in one of the social networks and very carefully apologized for the injury. It was unusually pleasant and it is important to hear these words. It turns out, no matter how hard it is, through the first strikes it is necessary to go through, to master communication with people directly. And, by the way, do not think that I was outcast as a child, at all. I had full-friendly boyfriends in the courtyard, with whom I played in the "Cossacks-Robbers", football, in computer games, drove on bicycles, climbed on the garages.

- With your vibrant appearance, you had to feel it early to feel the winds to ourselves ...

- Probably, I understood that it was pretty, but the meanings did not attach it. And with age, a clear understanding came that the internal is very different from external. For my work, this idea is controversial. I confess, I have a protest against female beauty in the actor. After all, it is often choosing for charisma and internal content, and from women are still waiting for an appearance, the ability to consider it again. For example, on the castings that I can't stand because of the competitive spirit, I do not fit on somehow specially focused on the skill, and not on the shell. It is important for me to remain, in nature. It is honest.

Jacket and trousers, all - l'enigme; T-shirt, Jijil (SuperStudio Italia); Necklace, Brunello Cucinelli (Vipavenue); Earrings, Koko Room

Jacket and trousers, all - l'enigme; T-shirt, Jijil (SuperStudio Italia); Necklace, Brunello Cucinelli (Vipavenue); Earrings, Koko Room

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- In the actor, apparently, you led to psychological trainings for which you have gotten a teenager. Right?

- Absolutely. Mom led me with the right course. Not only to me that she, thirteen-year-old, showed the film Woody Allen "Everything you wanted to know about sex, but they were afraid to ask," after which I adore this director, I also took the most trainings to these very trainings. It became my inner point of reference, the vector shifted in the right direction, and I began to clearly understand what kind of person would like to grow and what values ​​I want to follow. It is important that the awareness occurred in the early teenage period. It is not by chance that now I support the charitable Foundation "Shalash", which is engaged in the problems of the difficult behavior of adolescents. It is during this period that children cannot cope with the feelings that they overwhelm. This transition to a separate state should be helped to pass the least painful. As for the actors, it was advised to enter the theater university, our psychologist was advised at the training. I loved her infinitely, so I decided to try it spontaneously and from the first time, easily, entered the school. Shchepkin, which was closest to my house. (Smiles.)

- But is your family not related to the creative sphere?

- No, I am the only daughter at Mom - a biologist-chemist with medical education and dad - a sailor, senior assistant captain, and later a journalist. Father, by the way, fell in love with my sea. Now I am a fan of this element. And, apparently, inherited I got a passion for traveling. I can not sit at home for a long time, pulls out new territories, plunge into the magic aura of unfamiliar cities. It fills it, enriches ...

- And unfortunate joy that covered you in youth, unconditional hope for happiness - are you experiencing this now?

- Feels like everyone left with me, because in any difficult situation I remember that there is always a way out and ultimately everything will happen in the best way. In principle, I have no doubt that even when the trouble happens, by and large they are good. I am not a fatalist, I believe in the will of our actions, solutions that correct the path, but still the general mood plays a major role. When a person is confident that everything goes as it should, the best for it, it contributes to his prosperity.

- But I read that you did not immediately start trusting the course of life ...

- I do not remember how much resisted. But I do not keep the chronicle of my formation, although with age, a certain awareness of reality and her levers is clearly coming. I'm not frivolous. I am convinced that there is nothing more important than this life, the very fact that this world exists.

- Once my colleague, you said that the profession for you live substance. What did you mean?

- Cinema and especially the theater - an extremely mobile story, in context here and now. And I am grateful to Yuri Mephodievich Solomina and the Small Theater, in which he served after the institute, for classical school. And then I received a unique experience with the Outstanding Peter Naumovich Fomenko and already thirteen years I go out on the stage of his workshop. For me, this is the second home. The place where people have one blood type. It is a unique troupe, and you can even say that we understand each other with a half-clow. (Smiles.) We have become completely close friends over the years, and the artists of the older generation are, of course, the actors who want to be creatively equal.

Trench, Larobe; Shirt and shoes, all - Loewe (Vipavenue); Skirt, Brunello Cucinelli (Vipavenue); glasses, Tom Brown (Larobe); Chain for glasses, Gentle Monster (Larobe); Ring, Marisofi.

Trench, Larobe; Shirt and shoes, all - Loewe (Vipavenue); Skirt, Brunello Cucinelli (Vipavenue); glasses, Tom Brown (Larobe); Chain for glasses, Gentle Monster (Larobe); Ring, Marisofi.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- In America, in the tape "Love of the uncharted space" you shot, while still a student. It was a chic start, now there are no plans for Western movie?

- I will be happy to consider proposals if they arrive, but in general I have no greedy race in this direction. Like the desire to try yourself in scenario art, in directed or in the produce. Rarely when a person gets good at once in several directions, it is better to do what you can already, and remember that everyone comes his own. If you understand this, you stop smoking that you are not where it is necessary. And then in the USA it was a wonderful advance, but I, being a third-Russian, focused on the theater, so did not develop the topic of foreign cinema. Only later, already in Moscow, starred in one American picture. Thanks to the British school and my beloved teacher Irina Mikhailovna.

- The spectators remembered you on the movie "Spirie", according to the popular TV series "Mosgaz", "Julbars", "Black Cat", "ordinary woman", while you do not hide that far from the mass consumer. And what is close to you, and how do you choose the material?

- You know, I'm cancer on a horoscope and is able to take care of my sink. But when I get out of it, sometimes it becomes scary. I am curious completely different things than the majority. I grew up on Soviet films where there were other idols. It is clear that I want to be such an artist as those who inspired me then reach the high plank. For this reason, I have never agreed on the long-playing, monthly projects. If in the West they meet qualitative, the same "friends", for example, we do not have, unfortunately. I look quite a lot of modern foreign TV shows and make sure that we have not yet been removed. Our production, alas, lags behind. Therefore, even the material part does not seduce me. Financial stability does not compensate for acting interest. Therefore, all the perky Sitcoma pass by me. It seems to me that I do not really know how to play a comedy with all my cheerfulness. One thing to hate in the company and is completely different - to be ridiculous in your business. But, of course, endless serials provide actors not only by means, but also with glory. I will find out in my face, but the name does not remember. (Smiles.)

- Perhaps this year it will consolidate. Soon there must be the series "Dr. Preobrazhensky", "Fake Flag", "Chernobyl", "without memory", "silence", "Vargazea".

"But I can't help justice that the relevance bears a colossal load on a media person - the media attacks and climb into a completely private space, sorry. In my opinion, it is unacceptable. Here earlier about the actors knew little, so much did a lot, composed legends, and it was beautiful, without vulgarity.

Dress, l'enigme; Jacket, PREEN by Thornton Bregazzi (Larobe); Boots, Stokton (Vipavenue); Belt bag, Karl Lagerfeld (Vipavenue); Earrings, Koko Room

Dress, l'enigme; Jacket, PREEN by Thornton Bregazzi (Larobe); Boots, Stokton (Vipavenue); Belt bag, Karl Lagerfeld (Vipavenue); Earrings, Koko Room

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- From the outside it seems that two natures are fighting in you: a tender girl in a strict long black dress with a white collar and an adventurer, ready to spontaneous adventure ...

- Light collars are touching, but I do not live, I am not a Turgenev lady. I'm not even romantic, although hypersensitive. Rather, I am such a mixing girl who got used to the humor to perceive his everyday life. In general, I think that irony, laughter is the basis of human happiness. There is nothing more important than joy, and it must be given to others. Native primarily. You will not argue with it.

- At the same time, your fashion is punk rock, gothic, total black gamma ...

- It was a long time ago! Much has changed. Ryusha, of course, in my wardrobe, the shopaholic did not appear, rather, now hip-hop reigns in it, and blue, and gray and pink shades can already be found next to the dark palette. The world became color. And now the joy is delivering to buy something small than themselves.

- How compatible are you compatible with life?

- I am a bad mistress, I will frankly say. (Smiles.) For the cleanliness, I am removed, but the budget will lead, I can't save money perfectly, and cooking is not mine at all. There is no skill or desire.

- And this is at the Mother Georgian?!

- He refers to understanding. There is food delivery, beautiful cafes. Now, in our time, this is the norm.

- Spouse dentist - useful acquisition, you are provided with a free Hollywood smile ...

- I love to come to your husband in the clinic and watch his work. Anton Superprofessional and the real fan of your business. I am proud of them.

- You married two years ago, by this time have already ceased to be in love?

- I found my person when it just calmed down on the topic of love and hobbies. These stormy cataclysms are quickly starting and as quickly go to no. They get tired of them. And love is about another.

- Since the second half got acquainted in the general company, right?

- Yes, back in 2012, then long just talked, were such good friends, and only five years later, I once went to the movies, we have not parted. Anton conquered me by masculine, calmness and lick sense of humor. I am a classic actress with an unstable psyche, and my husband baits me. I am a mess, and he is a rod. (Smiles.) Where I tremble from some nonsense, he coolly finds arguments so that I come to my senses, and it is wonderful. And gives unforgettable impressions. So, he put me on the mountain skiing, and this is the best thing that happened to me after the concert of the Radiohead group.

- Difficult doctor with actress?

- Anton copes. But the welfare of marriages, it seems to me, does not depend on the coincidence of the specialties. There are no external circumstances concomitant idylls. I know people who are good together, despite the fact that they seem like at all there are no points of contact. There are no laws in this area.

Jacket, antiga; Pants, Antiga; Shoes, Balmain (Vipavenue) Earrings, Koko Room; Ring, Etro (Vipavenue)

Jacket, antiga; Pants, Antiga; Shoes, Balmain (Vipavenue) Earrings, Koko Room; Ring, Etro (Vipavenue)

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Light assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- You are so natural, open in communication ... this sometimes does not harm?

- I expect all the time I get for it. (Smiles.) Sincerity is not in honor now, they react to it as oddity. At the moment there is another trend. It can be traced in social networks - the creation of an image other than your nature goes to "Hurray". People spend on this colossal forces: professional photo shoots, various filters, profitable angles, demonstration of success and beauty. Of course, it is not worth showing troubles too, but pulls still to objective reality. Plus there is a false and at the level of spiritual requests, people are shared by fashionable opinions, praise by understanding some books, ideas, paintings. I, for example, in the films of Tarkovsky and half the characters encrypted there, I can not solve and do not fear it to voice it. But such a truth is not in Favor. Instagram is my separate, sore theme. You will put a snapshot with a cigarette, so the shaft of rude criticism will instantly collapse. It turns out if I smoke, should it hide it? Or I swear Mat, and I am not ashamed, but there is a chance that it will "arrive." For me, condemnation can cause only vigilants and all. And I am lucky that I have friends, with both sexes that share this position. The expression "Find your own and calm down" is definitely about me. My close range is my win. Actually, this is one of the most important zones of life.

- And with the familiar family, she did not move to the background?

- In no case. Even if there is no daily communication, deep internal communication is supported. What I get from friends is something incredible, and I perceive them as relatives. So I have a reliable rear in every sense. (Smiles.)

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