Killing Art: Actors who died during filming


It seems to us that the life of the actors is a solid fairy tale, and what could work under the heat of sophods? However, the reverse side of this, at first glance, the perfect profession is not so iris: here are injuries, and nervous breakies, often the real tragedies often happen. Today we decided to recall artists who will never hear the director's shout: "Stop! Shot! "

Brandon Lie

In the famous Painting "Raven", Brandon played his last role, and the actor himself did not find the end of the filming and especially the release of the film on a large screen - whether he died tragically during filming. According to the story in the hero, the brandon is shooting from the revolver, but the team at the site did not too carefully checked props, as a result, the bullet, stuck in the revolver, literally shifted whether through, stuck in the spine. Lee died in a couple of hours in the hospital. The actor was only 28 years old. The scene with the fatal shot hit the film, but the director instructed to remove it, after which the same scene was repaired with a double.

The actor received a fatal wound right on the set

The actor received a fatal wound right on the set

H / f: "Raven"

Eric Fleming

In the middle of the last century, the series "We're going to see the wizard" collected a decent audience, and therefore the creators could afford torture shooting. For one of the episodes, it was decided to go on shooting in Peru. In the plot, the hero of Fleming was walked along the river along with a partner, whose role was played by Niko Minardos. However, the actors could not keep the balance, since the boat was tightened in the whirlpool - Fleming and Minardos were in the water. Niko fell to the shore, and Fleming took the flow. His body found only a few days later.

Heath Ledger

Although the actor died and not on the most shooting platform, the production of the film "Imaginarium Dr. Parnas" was in full swing. However, on January 22, 2008, the artist fans learned the sad news - the Ledger was found dead in her apartment. Terry Guiliam, director of "Imolution", was already going to go to the bosses of the studio and close the project, but the decision came quickly: Gillimi asked Johnny Depp, Judah Lowe and Colin Farrell to help finish the picture, namely asked the actors to play the hero of the Ledger when he moves from the real World in fantasy. The legends of Hollywood immediately agreed and the picture was completed, unfortunately, Hit himself did not find the final version.

John Eric Hexam

The actor of stunning beauty died tragically and to some extent in a stupid randomness. Fucked on the shooting of the series, the actor jokingly attached a gun to the temple, which turned out to be charged. Hexam descended the trigger and instantly died. Doctors came to the conclusion that the actor simply had no chance to survive after the fragment of the skull entered the brain.

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