Hair is fast fat: what you do wrong


It seems that only yesterday soap my head, and today it is no longer going out. Familiar? Surely each came across this problem in different periods of life. However, some people have "spoil" the hair throughout the whole life, and here you already need to understand what is the reason and how to solve the problem.

Why is hair fast fat?

Yes, maybe it's an incorrectly selected shampoo or you use too much tools for laying. But in this case, you just need to correct the type of shampoo and refuse liters of the lacquer for hair, but with internal problems it is already harder to fight.

The hair "feed on" the same than both we are, so try to pour them with fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat, eggs, bean and fermented products instead of semi-finished products and street food.

"Friendship" with sugar and salt is extremely negatively affected by hair, therefore, if possible, limit their consumption.

As for the care, if your head washing is your daily ritual, fight it. Try to stretch the water treatments for at least a few days. And be sure to pick up the shampoo on the type of your hair.

Watch for nutrition

Watch for nutrition


Also, if you are used to mercilessly dry the hair with a hairdryer, refuse such aggressive drying. Ideally, when the hair dries on their own, but it is not always there for this time. In this case, choose a cool hair drying mode to provide less irritation on the scalp.

Another reason for disrupting the work of the sebaceous glands can be the reception of drugs. Despite the instructions in the instructions that the tool acts on a certain organ or system, in fact it has an impact on the entire body, including hair, especially dangerous antibiotic hair, as they deprive the hair follicles of the required nutrition.

And, probably, the most serious problem that is almost impossible to decide - heredity. Yes, you can adjust care and nutrition, but it is very difficult against the genes: if someone from your family had thin hair, and even prone to fat, alas, here you can only keep your hair in good condition by proper care and correct Nutrition. And, of course, no stress!

Refuse Litters Laccus Hair

Refuse Litters Laccus Hair


Basic rules for maintaining freshness of hair:

As we said, reduce the frequency of the head of the head. In addition, during the wash, use warm water and in no way wash your head hot water - so you will make even worse and gland will start working in reinforced mode.

Aggressive shampoo advertising rarely confirms its quality. You are important not a fashionable brand, but the effectiveness of the means, and in the neglected case it is better to resort to the pharmacy funds that a trichologist should appoint.

Metal hairpins and gum squeeze greatly and create additional load on and so suffering hair. Choose soft silicone rubber bands that are practically not felt.

Be sure to protect your hair from the temperature drop

Be sure to protect your hair from the temperature drop


It is very important to protect the hair and the skin of the head from the temperature drop: in the cold time, be sure to protect your head, even if you are not used to wearing a cap, put on the hood to prevent failure in the work of the sebaceous glands and do not make your hair fragile. But at the hot season, the situation does not change: be sure to protect your head from the effects of UV rays.

As a rule, following these recommendations, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair and the scalp, but they will not be solved by the problem, and in this case you are waiting for a trichologist at the reception.

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