Timati wounded during rest


The other day Timati told his fans that he decided to leave the cold and rainy Moscow and flew there where he was warm and there is a sea. According to rumors, the artist chose Caribbeans to spend his small holidays there. Roiper had a few hours to lie on the beach and enjoy calmness. After that, the musician went to ride on the board. It was during class surfing with Timati and an unpleasant incident happened - Barracuda was attacked.

Timati arranged a vacation. Photo: instagram.com/timatiofficial.

Timati arranged a vacation. Photo: instagram.com/timatiofficial.

This predatory fish, reaching for about 2 meters, is called another sea pike. Most often, she attacks people in dark water when she takes a swimmer for a giant turtle or floating fish.

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Timatiofficial: "Passive rest is not mine." Photo: instagram.com/timatiofficial.

On the published photo it can be seen that Barraja bites Timati for his finger. And judging by the amount of blood, the course was pretty deep. In fact, the musician was lucky, as these predators often damage the veins and artery's feet. Most likely, the artist knows what dangerous barracudas and that he got lost to light frights, as the signature to the photo was made with humor: "This barrahwhere is not at all a breakfast, it turned out to be breakfast" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of authors are preserved, - .).

During riding on Surf Timati bitten Barracuda. Photo: instagram.com/timatiofficial.

During riding on Surf Timati bitten Barracuda. Photo: instagram.com/timatiofficial.

But Timati fans are not joking for him. "Nightmare! Bitting his leg! On Seref? Mommies like scary! - wrote subscribers. - Barraja was not hungry apparently, otherwise the consequences could be and worse, testing for a few surfers) would bite it in response or ".

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