The whole truth about Plasmolifting


Plasmolifting is a relatively young technique in cosmetology, which, in fact, is a kind of mesotherapy. The main difference of this method is that instead of drugs, hyaluronic acid, microelements and amino acids, the patient's own blood is used, more precisely, one of its components - plasma.

For the history of its existence, Plasmolifting technique survived many takeoffs and falls, but at present she took a worthy place among other cosmetology procedures.

Initially, plasmolifting was positioned as one of the most expensive procedures capable of solving any age problems, including pronounced gravitational ptosis. According to performance, it was equated with a circular suspender. This was justified by its big value compared to other cosmetology procedures. Patients also attracted the novelty of the technique, the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions due to the use of the patient's own plasma. However, the first boom of plasmolifting led to a complete disappointment of patients - they did not receive the expected suspended effect. It turned out that everything that was mentioned in advertising was no more than a marketing move: the huge price of the procedure was not combined with the result that patients received. The effect was not bad, but no more: it became clear that Plasmolifting is nothing more than a leaving procedure, and it is unlikely to replace operational intervention. It came to the fact that for some time Plasmolifting was considered a sell, and the doctors who were offered to be called charlatans.

Madina Bayramukova

Madina Bayramukova

But the time passed everything in its place. As soon as the procedure began to cost the sane money, and patients began to warn about what, in fact, they will receive changes, Plasmolifting gained popularity and took its niche among cosmetology procedures. Following the cosmetology, plasmolifting techniques began to be interested in other areas. For example, in surgery, where it began to be used for faster tissue healing. Today, this technique is successfully used in progressive gynecology and treatment of burns.

What is Plasmolifting technique? After centrifuging, heavy blood cells (erythrocytes) are settled, there remains suspension of lighter cells - platelets in plasma. From school, we know that platelets are needed by our body for healing wounds. They actively arrive at the injury site, contribute to the formation of a clot, which, in turn, closes the vessel. Thus, platelets prevent further bleeding. When studying platelets, it turned out that they have a number of additional properties - they contain a huge amount of peptides, which contribute to the speedy healing of tissues. This feature was based on the method. In addition, in a plasma saturated with platelets, there was a huge number of immune bodies, whose task is to prevent infection of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Do not count on the fact that plasmolifting will replace plastic surgery

Do not count on the fact that plasmolifting will replace plastic surgery


In cosmetology practice, plasmolifting is used to improve the turgora and skin quality, reducing pigmentation and manifestations of acne. Plasmolifting gives a slight skin suspended effect by developing collagen and elastin. With the introduction of plasma in the form of micro enterprises, we, as it were, be deceived by the body: we make the wreck and introduce a platelet suspension into it. They begin to actively allocate growth factors that stimulate the proliferation of young cells and refreshing the skin (regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin). At the same time, immune bodies contained in a huge amount of plasma help to fight other skin problems (acne, cooperosis, pigmentation).

Pluses of Plasmolifting:

- low cost of the procedure;

- safety;

- almost complete absence of risk to obtain an allergic reaction;

- no contraindications;

- A good therapeutic effect.


As such, there are no cons of this procedure.

The only thing that should be noted is plasmolifting does not justify the overestimated expectations of patients associated with marketing strokes. It does not give the effect of skin suspenders. Nevertheless, with its tasks on quality skin care plasmolifting perfectly copes. Of course, the plasmotherapy could become more correctly for this procedure, but the old name has taken place, and the procedure itself is in constant demand in patients.

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