Irina Apksimova: "How good to me - I am engaged only by myself"


- Irina, of your interviews it becomes clear that you are characteristic of doing a lot literally on "weakly", such a principle of Napoleon: first to get involved in the battle, and then there is something to understand what ...

- Absolutely right. And I am such in nature from childhood, I did not specifically produce this line in myself. And, by the way, not only this Napoleonic property is close to me. I, like him, there is a giant: I love big houses, cars, huge jewelry ... so you are not necessary. (Smiles.)

- You were born in the family of musicians - Father Lecturer at the Piano Class Conservatory, Mom Hermaster at the Muscomedy Theater. It is believed that creative people are not strict enough to their children ... you were given a lot of freedom?

- Well, no one in his hunters kept, and I, frankly, did not differ in approximate behavior. With estimates, it was also unstable - I brought home that "fives", then "Two". When I studied the class in the third and mom once again, they called to school on a conversation, returning, she firmly stated me that no longer stops in this institution and I should finish the decade, and how my problems are. And somehow she inspired to me that I should solve all my tasks in the future. Perhaps such a move was part of the educational process, and perhaps she was simply not to school problems, I don't know, but it was greatly influenced.

- From the young years you have developed in several directions: music, figure skating, dancing, theater ...

- No, the theater I did not do in my childhood. But already from youth, my soul clearly lay to the theater of operetta. I constantly disappeared at Mom at work, where there was an eternal holiday - an orchestra, dancing, choir, ballet, eternal movement, so I didn't even imagine how you can go to an ordinary dramatic theater. It seemed to me that there was quiet and sad.

- Nevertheless, you graduated from the MCAT Studio School, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov's workshop, and the theater university requested you only with the third attempt - you were persistent ...

"Yes, and I studied where I finally took me." And I went to all theatrical institutions, I wanted to be only an artist, I did not know what else to do. (Smiles.)

"You danced between arrivals in Cordage in Odessa, in Volgograd and broke out of it, which manages not all. Initially, were sure that the corps is temporary?

- Sure. But in general I did not think about it. To dance the kankan in the cordage - for me was happiness, I was given to this entirely and completely, not filling out on the topic that the fifth from the edge, etc. Probably, if seriously studied at the choreographic school, I would have a different approach, and so I There existed on stage in his pleasure and for all a hundred showed natural abilities and a sense of rhythm.

Irina Apksimova with his musical team. .

Irina Apksimova with his musical team. .

- Then it is even strange that you have come to your musical group so late. Why?

- Previously, I even had no thoughts to start singing. It was believed that I could not do it. I was cut off for the first time at the institute, when entering the artists of the musical theater at the Faculty of Artists, precisely because I could not sing. Then this instilled in me insecurity, but only the project "Two Stars" destroyed it. Now I am even without special lessons of vocal, I am pleased to speak in public with my group, which includes the best musicians of the country, and I say it is not for the sake of the red sense. We go around the country, give concerts in clubs in Moscow, however, not often. Our repertoire is comic Odessa songs, romances Schulzhenko ... People take us to bang, they clearly miss such topics. But, by the way, the song projects, as it turned out, is much more difficult to unwind than the entrepreneurs of performances, for example. It is necessary to make an unmeared amount of loot into this case, since most people, those who watch the series, apparently do not perceive me singing.

"You are obviously a batch business woman for them ... And why did you go out of the MHT in your time, because you have everything out there?

- This happened on the eve of the death of Oleg Nikolayevich Efremova, when the rules already the Directorate, solved his questions, and it became clear that I had come to another theater, which had already changed significantly. Therefore, and gone. But in no case can not be said that the repertoire theater is not for my character, is not at all. Although it is quite pleased with the current situation that I myself produce entrepreneurial projects in the theater, satisfying your acting hunger. So I live, but contrary to circumstances - forever somewhere breaking through the wall, overcoming obstacles. Perhaps, I have such a karma. (Smiles.)

- You also have directorial experience in your shoulders - the film "Sleeping and Beauty". Are you going to move in this direction?

- Alas, but no one else offers anything like that. (Smiles.) Although I remember what fear I worked and for ten shooting days, it was clear that I did not feel any director. Yes, I coped, but whether it will bring me again in this area, I can not assume.

"You are from those domestic stars who tried to conquer Hollywood." This factory of dreams continues to rest and young your colleagues ... What do they say to it?

- Do not decease. I do not believe that Hollywood will truly take someone from the Russians. Yes, I was wondering there, but fortunately, I quickly realized that it makes no sense to break a spear. With such a policy, you can lose everything here and do not gain anything overseas. But I will not discourage anyone, of course, - everyone must go through his way.

- In the homeland, you all addict successfully. Recently, everything was noisy discussed your appointment to the position of director in the Wickyuk Theater. Was it the desire of the artistic director?

"It suggested that the Department of Culture, well, and Roman Grigorievich willingly supported this idea, as we know each other well. I think they proceeded from the fact that I have long been engaged in producer activities, I seem to have the experience of administrative and economic affairs. But it is clear that only this area I will not be limited. I hope to still work with the master and in the creative sense using a service position. (Smiles.)

- And who now you feel more: actress, director, producer?

- I like that chameleon changing color. When on stage, then the actress, and when I create a new project - Producer. I'm bored to move exclusively in one rut, and I can not tolerate when nothing happens. And other horizons always give birth to excitement.

- Writing autobiography Write closer to old age?

- Definitely. I will consider the release of the book as an increase in pension. (Smiles.)

- What kind of additional business project are thinking now?

- My thought is not exclusive - I really want to open a restaurant. I hope in the near future it will do it. And about your shoe line dream. I am a fan shoes and boots. A stunning Moscow master who sews shoes for the theater, sometimes I order some copies for life and bliss.

- What else hoarse yourself?

- Last year, I made a proposal from which I could not refuse, - to become the face of the magnificent spa center in Estonia, and not for money, but for courses of procedures and rest. Once every year I fell into this joy. And so in everyday life, I do not watch much behind the figure. What I have is genes.

- Where are you going for inspiration?

- in Venice. For any opportunity.

- You are Capricorn, should be able to handle finance. How do you have relationships with money in the personal sphere?

"I am not a transcription in essence, but when I have a means, they do not consider them especially and with pleasure I spend on the clothes, let's say. Although it is definitely not a shopaholic. In principle, I start to save, only when finances end.

- You are a stylish girl, and for sure your home is an organic continuation of the hostess. In what spirit is it resolved?

- I have a maximum comfortable apartment, where a lot of clean, white, empty space. Meszanine from items to me.

The daughter of Irina Dasha adopted the parent genes and came the first time on the acting department. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

The daughter of Irina Dasha adopted the parent genes and came the first time on the acting department. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- Your daughter is dacha eighteen years old. I know that she studied the dance from Gediminas Taranda, studied at the Academy of Choreography, and now comprehends the Ase of acting skills, and he entered the university from the first time. It turns out, went to the footsteps of the parents?

- Yes. And we were not against. As for me, I am generally a picked mom. Undoubtedly, at certain frames. And I'm definitely not talking, it is important for me that my daughter was a friend. Happy that it is. We with Dasha even with characters like.

- How do you react to dungean cavaliers?

- Somehow I haven't perceive them yet. It is clear that I am first asking Dasha, where is this boy, from which family, but not more.

- Your tastes for men converge?

- Not. We converted only to Johnny Depe. I approximately imagine what young people like Dasha, but what I like me, you can't formulate. I'm thrown in different directions: this is good, and that kind of nothing. (Smiles.) The only, habits, I can't tolerate. Excessive pedantry, greed, the lack of a sense of humor also pushes. And a man who is next to me should be stronger than me. I have a difficult life, she temper, so I'm not weak. And I do not need my son. I have something to care about my mother, about my daughter ... On my Yorkshire terrier Fanny, in the end, which I call the chuck and sometimes even somewhere with her, because she is terribly experiencing my absence. (Smiles.)

- Officially you are not married, and how much is a family person, in principle?

- Well, I lived all my conscious life in marriage, therefore, of course, family. But at the same time today I do not suffer from the lack of a spouse. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking: "How good to me - I am doing only myself!" (Smiles.)

- Yellow newspapers from you somehow dealt with drinking coffee together with a former husband, actor Valery Nikolaev. But you are not together now?

- No, we are not together with Valera. But we have a common child, so we communicate, and quite good.

- It is clearly difficult for you to match, and you do not let people feel close, right?

- No, why, I am an open person, so I reveal and let me. But only carefully sort them. I evaluate quickly, so random travelers are not delayed for a long time. And my close circle is a mixed collector: both actors and people from other spheres.

- You currently, unfortunately, not visible in the "full meter" or on the TV. Why?

- What is now coming on the screen, people do not remember. If you are just not rigoring hard. Like Nikita Dzhigurda. In fact, I was filmed in the TV shows enough, but not all of them were released. Some of them were amusing, but I especially do not try to climb into it. Attract only money in this issue and some media. Now I am filming St. Petersburg in the project "Intelligence". Another battle-Baba, the boss of intelligence officers. What else can I offer?! Our referring to the pork on the stamps, and then rarely who looks. And in this case there is nothing to play. So recently, the director seems to first wanted to take me on the main role in the artistic picture, then changed his mind - approved another actress. I explained to the predictable - too much to me the crown of the stone princess from the fairy tale, and he is not ready to experiment and break the stereotype. But I have not the worst option, I will tell you. The other day I turned on the TV, and there again Masha Poroshina cries, and this has been going on for many years, and here, too, do not envy. It turns out to her, poor, even worse than me, - My heroines are fatal, and her heroines are thrown. And draw fantasy this picture does not correct. And in general, as for the profession, who knows what the talents still do I still have. I read in the horoscope that wonderful farmers come out of the Capricors. So, maybe at some point I concentrate on the garden. (Smiles.)

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