Anastasia Volochkova: "I trusted people who did not deserve such"


- Anastasia, in relation to your driver is a great investigation. Are there any results?

- I can say that justice triumphantly. The driver was arrested. Alexander Skirtach was taken into custody and then, I hope to go to prison, where the place to fraudsters. Some insinuations from one of his wives have already begun. But, naturally, people are unhappy with the fact that they are disconnected from the feeders. I want to say that I will not respond to any apology and tricks of my wife. According to representatives of the investigating authorities and my lawyer, if the arguments would be in favor of a fraudster, then the driver would have chosen another preventive measure. For example, home arrest or subscription of the unseen. Although he is also "non-rigging": due to the debt in front of the country of 40 million rubles.

- Have any other facts appeared about the activities of your former employee?

- more and more people who have become victims of his fraud are revealed. For some people, for example, he stole 13 million rubles. And they proved it. He faked signatures, as in my case. Another woman deceived by 450 thousand euros. Plus, a computer was painted out of my office, in which personal information, photo and video materials were stored. From this computer, apparently, his wife led the most appropriate accounts against me on social networks. Fortunately, later this computer was returned to me.

- They said that Skirtach was trying to stretch tablets ...

- Yes, this very seriously affected my health. I was told that Alexander, at the request of his wife, allegedly plucked me different means, including phenazepams. I felt very bad, it became worse to look, I constantly had some kind of chills in the body. I turned to the clinic, which was serviced, where I learned that the debt for 46 thousand rubles for me was the funds that I gave Alexander for my treatment.

Earlier, Anastasia and her assistant Raisa were fine

Earlier, Anastasia and her assistant Raisa were fine

Photo: Personal archive of Anastasia Volochkova

- When it became known to you that your assistant of Paradise seems to be also involved in this story, you fired her, although the woman assured he was not to blame ...

- The fact that the products from the house were taken out, witnessed by camcorders. Also taken out my personal things, Arishins Things! Moreover, a dress with rhinestones in which the daughter was at my wedding, subsequently was Rai returned, that is, she took him away. Dad just managed to buy Arisha's shoes, as she immediately disappeared with the comments of Rai that these arisha shoes are small. Every week, 35 thousand rubles was received on the map of Rai. That is, 140 thousand rubles per month. It is impossible to focus on such an amount even taking into account the guests who very rarely come. I asked paradise so that the remaining money she filmed from the card and left at home. Firewood, pool, electricity, Internet ... She did not shoot money, but left on her map. Paradise covered Skirtach, which in my absence chased on my "Maybach" and threw the car where it fell. I fired paradise. If she had asked money for her needs, I would help her. I treated it, she was like the queen, on full provision, in a separate room. Decent salary of 70 thousand rubles. Her children and grandchildren could always come to us. I never obstructed it. But if I did a bad or deceived, it does not mean that I am fool. This means that I trusted people who did not deserve such.

- Who has now taken the place of Rai?

- I now have an assistant lol. When Paradise arrived in my house, she said that she needs an assistant. Well, I agreed and took to Rustam's assistants, and he said that he had a wife. I kindly gave them housing in the house for staff. This is a two-bedroom apartment with kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. When his wife Lola became pregnant, I agreed about childbirth, bought a stroller, a crib, linen of their born nose. When Paradise was dismissed, these guys began to help, clean, stroke, cook - do all the work. And soon I no longer felt the lack of this rash. I even have rose petals in the morning and in the evening on the table, everything is neat and neat. And now we are fine. Arisha helps a nurse with a nose, they made friends, although the baby was fulfilled the year.

- After such events, you did not lose confidence in people?

- I want to stay good, a bright man. And if we are too kind and someone uses it, you can not regret it.

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