If your child has become "new"


Even an adult person has an excitement before the first working day in a new place. What to talk about a child who begins to study in another school. Human Resource Management Specialist, Psychologist Nuriy Arkhipov knows how to help the child cope with this difficult situation.

Adaptation in a new place depends on the many different factors, among which the warehouse of the character of the child himself is important, its openness, sociability, friendliness. The reasons are also important, in connection with which you have to change school. And if everything is clear with the features of character: the more the child is open, the adaptation period will pass, the reasons for school changes can complicate everything.

If the transition is dictated by the desire to study some items in depth, the adaptation passes easier, the child may not lose the usual circle of communication, maintain relationships with former classmates.

If the transition to a new school occurred due to changes in the place of residence, then a child appears several reasons for stress: a new place of study, a new home, a completely different environment, no friends.

The most difficult when the school change occurs due to conflicts in the previous one. In this case, the child has already received a negative experience of communication or with teachers, or with classmates: Therefore, it is important that the situation does not happen again.

All these reasons can be reflected in their own way on the behavior and mood of the schoolchild. The child may not have time, constantly experiencing stress, become nervous, closed or, on the contrary, weepy. And parents need to help the child in this difficult life for him.

Psychologist Nurura Aripov

Psychologist Nurura Aripov

Important advice

Do not scold for bad marks. It is better to help as much as possible, but the case. Once again, talk, explain what is incomprehensible, come to the teacher with questions.

Do not overload. Additional education is better to postpone, let the child first adapt to the main learning process. The same can be attributed to home duties.

Be in touch. In the new school, it is necessary to immediately get acquainted with the teachers, a class teacher, the parents of classmates, in general, promote useful ties and dating. Your main task is to be interested in how the adaptation is going on, how is the relationship in the team. The child does not always have to share what it bothers, it is better and more correct at first to keep his hand on the pulse.

Cut the time together. Set aside your business for some time and try to be more likely to discuss some problems, and just chat. Your child now needs you more than ever - try to become him the most real friend and establish trust relationships with him.

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