Jadda, hysteric, intrigan. Are you sure that this is not about you?


Not far from Sergiev Posada there is a monastery. Once, traveling with his family, we stopped there to drink kvas. I forgot, why came, seeing the face of the local nun. She simply sold Kvass, but there was a complete pacification in this face, unearthly calm and stunning integrity. Nothing could touch her, although life around flowed the most common. And how long did you meet a person who has no problems at all (or tasks, as modern psychologists call them). And how to make so that these tasks become less? We will talk about it today.

Do you know that all external problems are an illusion. The illusion is not in the sense that they were inserted to you, but in the fact that they are not broken from the person himself. The more inside you these very problems, the more you observe them around yourself. We formulate differently: if something does not suit you in the outer world, it means only one thing - you are a unbalanced person.

If you are surrounded by stingy people, it means that you yourself do not differ generosity. If you have too much irritation around you - there is a lot of irritation inside you too. Maybe at work you hold back with all my might and "hold the face", and at home they are playing off the full program. Maybe you do not care anyone at all, and all immeasieled irritation is stored inside. By the way, one of the psychosomatic causes of "skin dermatitis" is irritation, carefully packed inside.

In general, no matter how cool, if something "clings" in other people is your quality! An example of this phenomenon from the world of physics can be radio waves - you can't talk to the interlocutor by a radio if you are configured to another frequency, the communication session is simply not held. The trouble is that the units are recognized by themselves that it is true. Zhaddechka, Intrigan - these epithets we are usually supplied for your surroundings, and not for yourself. However, it is impossible to get another environment and external circumstances without changing themselves.

Think about what you are most angry in others

Think about what you are most angry in others

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

It does not solve such a task. The first thing to do is admit that the problem exists and you are ready to pay your precious attention to it. Believe me, it's already a lot. Now you can sit in full silence, close your eyes and focus on this topic. Let it take so much time as needed. You alone, no one will hear you. Try to understand why in your life there are a certain variety people and what do they want to tell you? Do not be angry with your surroundings - in this world you can only affect yourself. And your surroundings are given to you only in order to become better and more perfect.

And if really (not for a short time) you want to change something in your life, change the frequency, and you will hear new interlocutors. And learn about the trends of the current week will help my Weekly astrological forecast.

October 16. The day in favor of solving financial issues - especially well completed financial affairs. There is a chance to get back old debts or solve questions, whose decision has not been postponed in a "long box".

17 October. If from nature you are a timid and shy person, it is difficult for you to express our feelings and entertain them in words, use the current Tuesday to hit the surrounding expression.

October 18. The energy of the day favors great affairs and accomplishments, with small tasks you will be harder to move forward.

October 19. Well, if today you get rid of what has not been using it for a long time. Free place for new impressions, things, people and situations.

The 20th of October. Today, the beginning of the new lunar month. You can reflect on what you fill in, and set out your intentions on paper. Be prepared for the fact that not all things will go according to your scenario.

October 21. Do not plan too responsible events for this Saturday. If important affairs are not avoided, feel quer than all sorts of interventions from the outside.

22 of October. Today it is good to engage in any kind of creativity. You can walk to exhibitions, concerts, performances - try to be held in one way or another to join the beautiful and eternal. Try a new image in clothes.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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