Caramel Mousse will help raise the mood


The cooking process: gelatin soak in a small amount of cold water. 450 ml of cream pour into a small saucepan, put on a small fire and warm to the appearance of the first bubbles, but not boil. 200 g Sugar pour into the pan, add salt and melt salt on slow heat to get caramel brown. Very thin weaving slowly pour caramel into heated cream, stirring continuously so that the cream does not curl. Continue mixing a few minutes after all caramel is dissolved. Nobuch gelatin to bite with a paper towel, add to cream with caramel and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left (if lumps left, it is better to wipe through the sieve). The remaining cream whipping the mixer into a lush mass. In another dish, connect the remaining sugar with yolks, pour the vanilla extract and a mixer to be in a light, lush mass. Pour the caramel mass to yolks and beat everything again. Enter whipped cream, mix, and then beat a little mixer at low speed. Pour caramel mousse into transparent creams and send to the fridge for 2 hours.

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