"Cold Heart", "Star along the way in Bethlehem" and other performances of September, where you can go with the whole family


What: the premiere of the children's play "Cold Heart"

This name heard, probably every child. However, the performance is not at all the arrangement of the famous cartoon. The "Cold Heart" of the German Fairy Tale of Wilhelm Gauga is a scary plot. And also - a serious conversation about the meaning of life, about love and mercy.

The current "cold heart" is the reconstruction of the well-known statement of the "Peter Treasures". The performance was recreated and updated with music, costumes and scenography. Today it is designed for very modern children: it uses new technologies and elements of the old, long-being forgotten theatrical art of scenography.

Fairy-tale characters will play the first composition of the theater: Cyril Zaitsev, Elvira Tsimbal, Tatyana Shankovskaya, Nikolai Korotaev, Sergey Gabrielyan, Vladimir Khalturin, Artemy Oya, Sergey Galkin.

Where: MCAT named after Gorky

When: September 27

What: the premiere of the play "Star along the way in Bethlehem"


"Star along the way in Bethlehem" is the first premiere of the new season. A real miracle will happen on the chamber third stage - a guide star will light up, and the baby Jesus will be born, which wise Volkhiva will bring their gifts. The performance, full of light, life and holiday, was composed of young artists of the Example Theater - Maxim Kustov and Catherine Malletina, as well as the artist Anastasia Rudorina. The famous Christmas story is told in a new way - modern artistic language, understandable and children, and adults. The performance was created in the traditions of the Christmas Vertep - a festive home presentation for the closest. To feel the feeling of the Christmas miracle, it is not necessary to wait for Christmas. This wise festive story is relevant regardless of the time of year and always gives joy, love and beauty, will give reason to think about the meaning of being.

Where: Academic Central Puppet Theater named after

When: September 20

That: the premiere of the play "I will not ask for forgiveness"


This is a touching story about a child who, falling into different life situations, as a result of the experience gained, comes to the conclusion, which means mom in his life and that mom needs to love ...

Apologize? Never! After all, any child is clear that ice cream for breakfast is better than semolina. And if so, the easiest way to leave home and live, as you want. And the fairy tale provides internally, the opportunity to test what it means to live without mom, her care, affectionate hands ...

So a small viewer gets a fabulous lesson for him. The task of the theater is not only to entertain, but be sure to make thinking, to compare what is happening. Any fairy tale prepares a person to adult life.

Where: Moscow Children's Fairy Tale

When: September 18 and 19

What: The play "Tale about repka"


The plot of this fairy tales know, probably, everything. But in this case, we are not just just with the usual presentation of all the famous history. "The Tale of the Republic of the Moscow Children's Theater Puppets is an interactive musical performance. Little viewers help grandfather and all friendly companies pull out the repka and arrange a real feast to the whole world.

Where: Moscow Children's Puppet Theater

When: September 20

What: Ballet "Swan Lake»


There are such performances, one name of which speaks for itself. "Swan Lake" - from their number. But the team is worth saying separately. La Classique Ballet Theater In May of this year, the theater met his 30th anniversary. He heads the theater since its foundation Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy

Arts Elix Melikov, for which 2020 also became an anniversary -

On August 2, he celebrated the 60th anniversary.

On the Swan Lake, it is recommended to go with children from six years: the best performance to start familiarizing with the beautiful world of ballet.

Where: on the scene Mosoncert Hall

When : September 19 and 20

What: The play "Master and Margarita"


You can safely go with the children of senior school age (from 16 years old). For one evening, the Bulgakov Theater will turn into a mystical space, where the viewer will re-moved to his favorite heroes and will be in the universe created by the Great Writer.

The statement of "Master and Margarita" is a business card of the unique and most mysterious place of Moscow, and the realization that the Bulgakov lived in the same house and it was here that the immortal strings of the novel was born, only adding respectful trembling and mysticism.

The action will fall on guests from all sides, as from the pages of the book - the characters of the great novel are collapsed from the windows and dark openings to the viewer and will make the mysterious tragic comedation of the Great Master. An unusual props and scenery and scenery were used in the performance, and among them the genuine lyrics of the romance drafts.

The director of the performances and artistic director Sergey Aldonin will again fulfill one of the central roles in the performance and will appear in front of the audience Woland, the main conductor in the other world of the writer.

On September 10, the role of the Fagota will fulfill Timur Oraglevidze, Gellah will be Natalia Boulyga, and Azazello - Mikhail Gorsky. Ivan Carrayanidis will perform the role of Behimota, Berlioza - Georgy Karaiannidis, homeless - Philip Pale, Rühina, Lyarkayeva - Konstantin Bogdanov, Juda will play Jan Ilves. Master and Margarita - Mikhail Chemicals and Oksana Korostyshevskaya.

Where: Museum "Bulgakov House"

When: September 10 and 18

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