Pavel Trubiner: "I have a lot of injuries with my movie"


If you need to play a person in military uniform, then Paul Trubiner will not disappoint the most picky director. However, other roles, such as husband and Father, the actor is also well managed.

- It is difficult for you to imagine in the separation from the acting profession. You yourself never regretted what went to Gitis?

- No, there have never been any regrets.

- What do you value in your profession?

- I am generally a profession to get along, because, fortunately, she is wonderful. We do not come together every day to the machine, we have every day on the horizon all new and new people, new places, new works. This is my profession and valuable. You are always on the journey, do not sit in one place. For me, this is a very good lesson.

- Although it is impossible to deny that this is not easy job?

- It's true, she is very heavy. Sometimes many people do not understand this, thinking that everything comes down to screaming.

- You somehow said that all the actors are crazy and unhealthy people. In what sense?

- The artist may not come to the site only for one reason - when he died. And in all other situations, such as the temperature under forty, it goes and removes, because it depends very much from it. This is also a certain degree of madness. The artist sacrifices his health, and this is abnormal. I have a lot of injuries with my movie. My operations, and there were five pieces, all are connected to the movies.

Pavel Trubiner:

In the new TV series NTV "Walking on the flour", removed on the epic, Alexei Tolstoy, Pavel played Vadim Roshchina

- Fractures, stretching?

- torn ligaments, stretching, fractures, broken eyes, and so on.

- Producers now do not put you the conditions that all the tricks must do not do you, and Caskaders?

- This is not only Cascaders. All sorts are moments in the shooting process. Here in advance the mattress you will not stand. (Laughs.)

- You worried when you were trying in the multi-seater film "Walking on the flour"?

- Sure. This is such literature with a capital letter. And the director of the project - Konstantin Pavlovich Khudyakov. Samples were big. Everyone did truly, as it happened before.

- You immediately took the role of Vadim Roshchina?

- I will not delve: yes, immediately. Konstantin Pavlovich revealed me a secret - this choice was conscious. But why, do not know? (Laughs.) I did not insist that he admitted to me. Something he saw in me, apparently like a director.

- Revised the legendary film of 1977?

- No, and even older, 1959, did not revise. I do not do such things to do something not to cling.

- Mikhail Scriskin as Vadim Roschina made a strong impression, especially for the female half of the USSR population. Yes, and the film is powerful.

- Yes, all this is. Plus beauty actresses. This film is loved by our Soviet spectator. Sure.

- But now the cast on current standards is no less powerful: Anna Chipovskaya, Julia Snikir, Leonid Bichevin, Anton Shagin, Andrei Merzlikin, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Alexander Yatsenko, Yevgeny Stychkin and others. How did you work with such partners?

- When I ended the shooting, I told the director that it was the most wonderful trip. And he is the greatest captain who led all this. About such you could only dream.

- You played with many partners, and more than once, there are loved ones?

- I have all of them loved, of course. And with all always very good relations - both affiliate and human. By the way, in the frame it is always clear.

- By the eyes?

- Sure. And not only. If there is some kind of human dislike, somewhere she still slipped. And this is not very good.

- Admit, were unbearable colleagues on the shooting area?

- Every family has its black sheep. (Laughs.) It also happened.

- And how did you come out of the situation?

- I had to somehow smooth out peak situations, withdraw a person to a normal level of relationships.

- How do you set up the role, how are you going?

- I am very cool charges music. And in a certain way, configure my favorite old movies. And sometimes the most unexpected.

- For example, what?

- For example, our old military paintings, which I do not always can watch, because they cause me tears. But they charge me very much. Or, for example, I am a big fan of Jackie Chan. His work spur me to some new things. And all this is due to the dedication of this great person.

"You somehow paraphrased Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, saying about the movies that you like to watch:" Cinema love the one that does not bother. "

- Yes, it's all true. (Laughs.) I love movies, after which you come out with a feeling of some inner happiness and tranquility. And I do not like that, after which you need to drink, eat and reflect: But how to live now further? I need that after the film I could say: "People, I love you! What are you wonderful! How everything is great! "

- But drink, as I understood, can you?

- I can, why not? I am a living person.

- Just now, many people of art switched to an absolutely healthy lifestyle. Is it not about you?

- I also lead a healthy lifestyle, but I can drink, I do not forbid himself.

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