How to facilitate toothpow


The most common method of facilitating the state is to receive painkillers. But remember that in three hours before the visit to the doctor you need to refuse to receive tablets that can distort the picture of the disease.

There are methods of traditional medicine for dental pain.

- Make a warm soda solution (1 tsp for a glass of water), to which add a few drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth.

- clove oil rubbed into a sore place, and this will reduce the discomfort. You can add 5-6 drops into a glass of water and rinse with this mouth with this solution. Crush two stars of carnations, mixing with vegetable or olive oil. Cashitz applied to the teeth.

- Make a sip of vodka and hold it in the area of ​​the sick tooth. Thanks to the absorbing alcohol, this place should hesitate - and the pain squeezes. This recipe is contraindicated to children.

- Massate your hand with a piece of ice. Such a massage significantly reduces the dental pain. It is necessary to find the V-shaped area in which the bones of large and index fingers are converged. Ice Cube Press this area for 5-7 minutes.

- Dissolve half a teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water. This solution rinse the oral cavity.

Rafael Irzaev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deattologist-orthopedist

Rafael Irzaev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deattologist-orthopedist

Rafael Irzayev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Dentist orthopedist:

- Better rinse with a warm soda solution. It is forbidden to make warm compresses and warming bandages. Fully get rid of dental pain at home is impossible, and all actions should be directed to get to the doctor.

Toothpick is a dangerous symptom. In most cases, the pain signals an acute inflammatory process. At best, a person risks losing tooth, in worst - life. Sick tooth is a source of infection. From the tooth, pathogenic microorganisms can get into the stomach into the blood. Cases when a person dies from Sepsis, the cause of which has become a long-not treated tooth, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

Very often the cause of dental pain is periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. It happens that the harbingers of the periodontitis becomes a pulpit, and then a man with pain arises a severe putrid smell of mouth with pain. Prior to a visit to the doctor, you need to ensure maximum oral hygiene. Recommended rinsing with antiseptics. To protect yourself from such unpleasant surprises, correctly and thoroughly clean your teeth, use a dental thread or irrigator and attend the dentist at least once every six months, even if nothing hurts.

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