Matt Damon: "I am the most ordinary guy. I do not understand that women find in me "


The future "King of Hearts", as Daimon died after his Hollywood triumph, grew up with a good and quiet boy. Parents divorced him when Matt was only three years old, but all his life was supported friendly relations. Our hero lived together with Mom and Brother in Cambridge, where the famous University Harvard is located. In the same place, eight-year-old Damon met with his best friend (and part-time distant relative) Ben Affleck, who lived next door. The fateful union took place: the boys decided that they were obliged to conquer the movie Olympus. Only here Ben immediately rushed into battle, and more calm and balanced Matt remained to study ... in that very Harvard! True, before receiving a degree, Damon left the Faculty of English, finally deciding that his future is connected with the actor. Parents extremely negatively responded to such a phint, putting an unambiguous condition: their son can do what he wants, but they will not sponsor a dubious event.

On your few savings - two hundred dollars - Matt went to New York, where he met with Affleck. Further history knows everything. Ambitious guys wrote a script, which neither took one studio first, because the indispensable condition of the authors was joint surveys. Then Miramax, who has become native to actors, has implemented history written by them. For the "smarts Will Hanting", young people received the highest award in the film industry, the golden statuette of Oscar, and achieved hearts of all Hollywood beauties.

Matt turned out to be extremely in love and romantic: confessed in the feelings of each of his partner on the set, asked her friend with flowers, having worked beautifully ... and again fell in love, already to another. He twisted the novels with Claire Danes and Penelope Cruz, Patricia Arquette and Vinona Rider. But with all the lovingness, Matt never was the hero of the yellow chronicle. And soon and completely finished with love adventures, focusing on a career. "Save ordinary Ryan", "Talented Mr. Ripley", "Dogma", a series of films about Friends Osushen, "apostates" and, finally, the spy trickle about James Borne is the incomplete list of his professional victories.

However, Damon himself considers the main achievement of his family - harmony with his wife Lucian and four (!) Daughters. And even the premiere of the film "Martian", which the whole world was waiting for his breath, Matt met calmly, with a restrained semi-chamber inherent in it.

Matt, in terms of filming in science fiction films you are just a professional! Mathematician in "Umnice Wille Hanting", astrophysicist in InterStellar, Astronaut in Martian ... You probably have already plunged into science a little deeper than the average person?

Matt Damon: "Well, I learned that if an astronaut eats only sublimated products, he will last long! (Laughs.) I try to study how to study, penetrate the topic that I will find. That is, I would not want to stand in front of the camera and think about yourself: "I do not have the idea that I am carrying here." I really love the genre of science fiction, and I was lucky to act in InterSelllar, and in Eliasium, and here in Martian. Really standing in this key is very little removed, so I am glad that it was part of this. "

"Martian" is already the second "cosmic" film in Matt Damon's film. .

"Martian" is already the second "cosmic" film in Matt Damon's film. .

Have you immediately agreed to participate in Marcianin?

Matt: "Oh, yes! The script is because the adaptation of the book Andy Wira - was written simply amazing, I did not have a chance to refuse. This is a rarity, let's accept each other, when the books are transferred to the screen as accurately, fine, clearly, with respect for writing work. "

Both the book and the film turned out not so frightening, as it might seem, the topics of depression, loneliness rise there. And you almost in the best comedy actors began to record after the premiere ...

Matt: "I'm glad we managed! With Ridley Scott (director of the film "Martian". - Approx. Aut.) We had an impressive conversation in our duration, trying to find the right path. I wanted to keep the humor inherent in the book, and at the same time not to deprive the picture of tensions, the reality of what is happening. In the end, the guy remained on Mars one-odinee! So Ridley created a seeing cocktail from fear and fun. You stayed on a non-smart planet, you are scared, in the frenzy - but you live, without losing pleasure and thirst for life. "

Did you like working with Ridley Scott? There is a lot of rumors about him! Like, he and a dismantle, and the pith, and very strict.

Matt: "As much as Ridley swears, no one swears in Hollywood! From him only you hear that curses to the address of all. But he does it joking, playfully, completely without malice. It seems to be afraid, but completely in vain: the kindest soul man. "

How did you prepare for the role?

Matt: "I remembered my youth! (Move.) The fact is that there is no more terrible and lonely place on earth than Hollywood when you are unemployed. Now, to stay alone to me almost now, except for Mars. With four children only it remains. "

If you, the real Matt Damon, were on the desert planet - what kind of music would you take with you?

Matt: "I vote for U2! Powerful sound, heat - everything is under the situation. I love these guys. I think they would not bother, because U2 each album is like a separate book. "

Well, if you had to choose a dish that you would have to eat on this planet, - only one, until the end of life?

Matt: "So. Probably pizza. What? This is a universal food! We do not say here about the benefit or proper nutrition, right? Purely for pleasure I would choose pizza, definitely! " (Laughs.)

In Friends, Damon turned out to be truly in the star company Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Frame from the film.

In Friends, Damon turned out to be truly in the star company Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Frame from the film.

By the way, you recently made a fairly impressive career break: did not appear in public almost six months! What is it connected with?

Matt: "I spent time with my wife and daughters. Transferred from New York to Los Angeles. I try not to part with them even during filming, so they dangle for me wherever I go. I got from the Lusian House in the suburbs, helped children adapt to a new school. I am a boring family man, if you are interested in it. I even paparazzi is no longer pursuing me that, of course, a little offended. (Laughs.) On the other hand, I understand them. Any photographer would immediately bother. What's new and "hot" they can find by shooting me? Married with daughters? No scandals, no mysticism, everything is smoothly and calm. Everything like I love. "

Well, do not tell me! There was time, you were in the lists of the most desirable bachelor, turned novels with actresses of the first size ...

Matt: "Yes, and now for Thirteen Years as I do not do this, but I still can not forgive the period. What do you want from the boy who spoke glory and money spoke? I was just a desperate romantic, in love and naive. In each of his female colleague on the site, she saw that very, the only one. But very quickly realized that relations with famous beauties - not for me. I remember, even made a confession on some talk show: I will not even even try to build love with colleagues. "

Said - and did it!

Matt: "But before I met Lusiana, I had to spend some time alone. And that's what I tell you: a man is very useful. Immediately everything becomes in its place, you know what is actually valuable and necessary. "

Many journalists and your colleagues doubted your union. Still, the Hollywood Star - and a simple waitress ...

Matt: "Well, in my opinion, we completely proved to everyone (although it's not their business) that in love it doesn't matter, in what position you work and how much you earn. By the way, we have four children - there is no longer anyone to doubt! "

And how do you now live in the Device Kingdom?

Matt: "Well, in the morning I can't get into the bathroom, which is occupied by my daughters. But I am surrounded by beautiful girls every day - who is so lucky? I just


You look very organically as a father.

Matt: "I always wanted to be. And I hope that I really cope. I plan to be the best dad in the world. (Smiles.) I think every man is afraid, and wants it - and at the same time this is the main job. "

If we climbed to visit Matt Damonu on the usual weekday - what would we see?

Matt: "Oh, most likely, I would make you help me in changing diapers! (Laughs.) Completely, you would have been surrounded by children who would crawl under your feet. You would see me writing a script and stuck at the same time with kids. Do not believe, but I adore so much! It usually happens like this: I'm going with my daughter, I ride it on a camp, depicting a pony, and then I quickly sit down to a laptop with thought: "I know what the next line should be!" - And so, with little breaks, we work. "

Matt Damon:

In the "false temptation" Damon worked with Angelina Jolie. Frame from the film.

And how, with such a rhythm of life, do you manage to keep romance and wonderful relationships with your wife?

Matt: "We have a rule of two weeks with Lucian. We do not part more than fourteen days. I am sure you have to be near those who love, as long as possible. Banally, non-original, but my wife is my half, my soul. I don't like to be far from her very much. "

What is your perfect vacation?

Matt: "Well, you have already understood that I am completely definitely a family man with experience. So - with family, on the beach. I can't think of the best. "

You and your coming friends and colleagues have already celebrated the fortiethly. What sensations?

Matt: "I know for sure that George (Clooney. - Approx. Aut.) Enjoy its age. But I would like the number "40" was a typo. I am a little puzzled, because I do not feel it at all, I do not understand what my age means. Puzzle does not fold. (Smiles.) Looking around and understand: so many pictures, so many scenarios, so many children! When did all this happen? How did it happen? " (Laughs.)

Can not help but ask you about your recent comments about sexual minorities ...

Matt: "Well, here, and I believed that no scandals associated with my name would not be! In fact, I just called on my colleagues-actors to keep the secret of personal life. It seems to me that the more closed you are for the public, the better. There is no need to announce your sexual preferences to the world! After all, this is such an intimate side of your life, and strangers should not know anything about it. After all, the viewer is somehow projects your real image on your heroes - it prevents to play! "

The actor met his spouse at the bar, where Lusian worked as a waitress. Couple has four daughters. Photo: Rex Features /

The actor met his spouse at the bar, where Lusian worked as a waitress. Couple has four daughters. Photo: Rex Features /

Your sexual orientation did not prevent you from playing with Michael Douglas of fermented lovers?

Matt: "I say exactly about it! That's me and an actor. After the film "For Candelabras", everyone is asked to comment on the scene of kisses with Michael. Well what can I say? Catherine Zeta-Jones - Happy! (Laughs.) Although to say truth - I never thought I would kiss with Douglas. Such an unusual experiment. "

Your nearest friend and companion Ben Affleck is now experiencing not the best times. How do you support comrade?

Matt: "In our bin history, this love melodrama is far from the first time. I do not want to comment on their gap from Jen (Jennifer Garner, wife Ben Afflec. - Approx. Aut.), But I can say that Ben is constantly incomprehensible, guilty. And he is very hard for romantic failures. It hurts me with him, but I am glad that the work pulls it out of all the vital turmoil. After parting from Lopez, he was crushed, but see what Affleck achieved thanks to the broken heart! He is at the top - with Oscar for "Argo", with success after the "disappeared" ...

Your friendship has passed the tests with fire, water and copper pipes. How did you manage to save your close relationship?

Matt: "Sometimes I am surprised himself, because I have always been unsuccessful. It only seems like a Pai-boy with a wonderful, calm temper. When the Ben and I started our way, he was more restrained, confident, he took over the role of my senior comrade (despite the fact that Afflecks the younger Damon. - Approx. Auth.). But I was a problem comrade, quickly went out of myself, constantly rushing to argue and compete. Honestly, something still remains in me. "

Matt, you have a huge number of fans. And who do you honor yourself, who admire?

Matt: "Singer Bruce Springsstin - God in my eyes! He does not pretend, does not build anything, he is real, real. Bruce believes in what does, - and it becomes the core of his creativity. "

How do you perceive criticism? Surely there are many hunters tell you how to live.

Matt: "I don't care. It is better to be bad than a good one who you really are not. "

Well, finally, how do you feel about your own star status? Accustomed to be a celebrity Hollywood?

Matt: "Glory is a really strange thing. Yesterday you were not known to anyone, and today the crowd is delighted with you. Although neither intellectually nor physically changed. What was important for you yesterday remains so today. But the rules of the game are already others - and you are the focus. I still do not understand: how is it possible? You know, there are guys who come to the room - and the room is changing. Brad Pitt, George Clooney ... I am not from such guys! Maybe not average, but quite accurately ordinary person. As for female attention - still I can not understand that they attract them in me. Women will not discern, and I don't even try! "

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