Surrogate Motherhood: Star Stories


No matter how cynically sounds, but surrogate motherhood is the trend of recent years. They say that there are increasingly respectful men with registration in the area of ​​Rublevo-Assumption Highway, to such a way of appearing on the light of birth chad. And what, all the pros is obvious. In exchange for a firm currency, they receive a legitimate heir - and no problems with his wife, if a family life suddenly will not be set. After all, as you know, the terrible dream of any owner of solid capital is the courts for the right of custody of children. And the money for these charges is spent much more than if a surrogate mother (without hopes, inheritance and reproaches) came to the rescue. As business people, oligarchs are increasingly inclined to the second option. It is clear that they prefer their names in the Security. But celebrities, accustomed to be in mind, willingly talk about the help of surrogate mothers. They are sure: their experience can help thousands of other families in different parts of the planet become parents in spite of all circumstances.

Fashion history

In fact, surrogate maternity knows almost with ancient times. She also told the world about the story about Strathonik, who could not give birth to the heirs to her husband Dietar. And then she proposed a compromise option: choose among the concubine the most beautiful and conceived a child from her. Delighted by such selflessness, Daeotar gave the spouse to determine the right to be the mother of being the mother of his children. So one of the first surrogate mothers became an electra, offices of which Strathonik brought up as their own.

In ancient Rome, there were cases when her husbands gave their wives with fruitless couple. The child appeared in this strange triangle was considered a legitimate heir to the pair. And in one of the oldest temples of India, a fresco is preserved, which tells how a kind of deity suffered a child, the future of the Great Hero, from the womb of the idol in the womb.

A resident of Illinois Elizabeth Cane became the first official surrogate mother. In 1980, she endured a child for a barren woman (her name was left unknown) and for a worthy monetary remuneration gave it to customers.

Among the star persons, the pioneer in this area can be considered a brilliant actor Robert de Niro. Together with his girlfriend, an African American model of Tuku Smith, he turned for help to a surrogate mother. True, Gemini Julian Henry and Aaron Kendrick appeared on the light after the couple broke up. What does not interfere with the former lovers holy and cherish their heirs. Today the boys are already seventeen years old, and they choose their way in life. By the way, Robert de Niro, who always dreamed of a big family, last year again resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. He and his current wife Grace Highauer was born a daughter, which Helen Grace Highauer de Niro. This couple already has a total fourteen Son of Elliot, and the spouses really wanted children. But since the age of Grace no longer allowed to do it, so to speak, in the traditional way (in a year she knocks sixty), it was decided to take advantage of an alternative method.

Acting Couple Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick Three years ago, also made a choice in favor of Surma. Moreover, the Facts of Spouses did not particularly hide from the public. In the press, it was even called the name of their "helpers" - it was the twenty-semileary American Michel Ross. True, the annoying paparazzi immediately spoiled everything: for some time they literally pursued a poor girl, looking for more and more new details of her life. But she nevertheless fulfilled her mission. In June 2009, the girls-twin girls Marion Loretta Elvell and Tabita Hodge appeared. "Get acquainted with children, instead of having to give birth to, it was like in slow motion," she shared later with the public Parker. - It seemed to me that the world had disappeared for a moment. I only remember the blanket on which babies lay, as well as the face of my husband and the eldest son. " By the way, about the older son: now James Willow is already almost ten years old, he is the first child of Sarah Jessica and Matthew, born in the usual way. Family couple and the following children would have made the same scheme, but all attempts to Parker became pregnant in vain. "We have always dreamed of having many children," says Sarah. - I knew that many questions would fall on me: "Why not adopted? Why didn't it do it? Why didn't you do it? "Believe me, my husband and I looked at all the possibilities, and this option was first on our list."

Nicole Kidman and Kit Urban with daughters Faith and Sanday Rose. Photo: Rex Features /

Similar situation and Nicole Kidman with her spouse, a musician Cate Urban. True, in contrast to Parker with a brider, they held a long time in the secret that the replenishment was coming in their family. And only when their babe Fate Margaret appeared on the world on December 28, 2010, shared joy with the whole world. To contact the services of a surrogate mother they also forced the need. Kidman gave birth quickly enough for the first time: her eldest daughter Sandey Rose was born when the actress was already forty. Inspired by, Nicole for a couple of years desperately tried to get pregnant. And then the spouses remembered other options. "The name of Faith (which means" faith ") we gave our babe not by chance. After all, only faith helped us throughout the period that we expected the appearance of a child. "

Loneliness of blood

Often surrogate mothers are looking for just lonely, but insanely thirsty people. So, the world football star Cristiano Ronaldo in 2010, right during the World Cup in South Africa, became the father of his son, whom Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. was called. At that time, the athlete has already consisted of a romantic connection with our compatriot, an Irina Shake model. Therefore, of course, at first the news about the appearance of the heir to Ronaldo tied up with her name. No. It turns out that even before the meeting with the Ural beauty, the athlete "ordered" a child of a surrogate mother to himself, posing for it that is not tenth (according to Russian standards) the amount of ten million dollars. Would add to our, home-grown surrogate mommies, would pret to save! But, as the press wrote, thus the football player paid for complete confidentiality. "We have a mutual agreement with our child's mother that I keep her name secret. And we have agreed that I will be the only parent who raises and raises this child. "

The famous photographer Annie Leibovitz became a mother at the age of fifty-two, giving birth to the daughter of Sarah Cameron. Only with close friends, she shared, what kind of happiness is to devote yourself not only to photo sessions, but also to upbringing the baby. And four years later, the most popular female photographer decided to turn to the help of a surrogate mother, by that time she could no longer give birth. In May 2005, Gemini Samuel and Susan twin were born. About this event, the general public learned somehow casual, almost by chance. After all, Leibovitz, who is friendly with world celebrities, herself prefers to stay away from sparkling sophists. Well, after she became a large mother, almost ceased to appear in public. "I feel myself not by the famous photographer, but a summer camp director, which for some reason began to work year-round."

Ten years ago, in 2002, the son was born from Michael Jackson, who called Prince Michael II. Left alone after the divorce, he decided that this was not a reason to give up the dreams to have many children. Jackson then admitted to journalists: when he looked for a suitable candidate for the role of a surrogate mother, was guided by a single parameter - its intelligence. All sorts of "little things" like age, nationality and other, otherwise not particularly interested. And what? The lady he chose, later brutally dismissed pop king. She tried to confirm his motherhood through the court, and at the same time he demanded a "modest" amount in a billion dollars and the opportunity to see her son three times a week. The singer refused to recognize Billy Gin (this woman is the coincidence! - Wears the same name as the name of the megahit of Jackson) Mother of the youngest son. It seemed to be closed. However, after the death of the pop king, this particular was announced again - with the next requirement to give her a child, and at the same time the law of guardianship over the boy. But this time she did not succeed.

Ricky Martin became the father of two twin boys Matteo and Valentino in August 2008. He also raises them alone. For the sake of the kids, Martin pushed his career into the background and completely devoted himself to the dispensers. According to rumors, the children endured Kuzina Ricky. Although the singer himself hinted in one interview that he found a surrogate mother ... according to the catalog and never even met her. "When my children ask me where their mother, I will explain to them that not all families consist of dad and mom," he says proudly. - In some families, children raise two mothers or two dads, and there are families where only one dad or one mother is not at all. " By the way, the singer had already stated that his next step would be the adoption of one more, or even several kids.

Alena Apina with daughter Ksyusha. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alena Apina with daughter Ksyusha. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Experienced way

Although in Russia surrogate motherhood and is officially allowed, in practice, this phenomenon is not too developed. According to the latest data, in our country, about six hundred people resort to the services of surrogate mothers. For comparison: in America, their number is ten thousand (!) Per year.

However, we have some stellar pairs resorted to an alternative method to become parents. One of the first to told about it in the press of the singer Alena Apina and her husband producer Alexander Iratov. It was more than ten years ago, in 2001, and then such a recognition made the effect of a broken bomb. Many without tired quoted the words of the singer, surprised her frankness. Even at the stage of waiting for the child, Alena gave a number of interviews and explained his decision: "After all, I spent one month in hospitals and I know perfectly well how many women suffer from infertility. My example will show them that not everything is lost. " And this is despite the fact that numerous studies have shown: both Alena herself, and her husband is absolutely healthy. But here did not give them the child of the child, and that's it. "Some in such cases fall into mystics: they say, this is God for something punished. But I knew that I had no sins: I didn't take my husband from another family, I did not leave children without a father ... "

One friend who worked as a doctor in a provincial town helped Alena find a surrogate mother. Woman with higher education, mother of two children, she really needed money. The whole pregnancy surrogate mom lived at her, away from noisy Moscow. Alena dreamed personally to attend childbirth, and when the contractions began, the first flight flew into the town of N. But ... the plane was late, and as a result, Ksyusha's daughter was born two hours before the singer had time to get to the hospital. Immediately after birth, the surrogate mother and the girl was excavated by different chambers. By the way, the spouse of Alena fundamentally did not get acquainted with this woman: "Why? I want to associate my child only with my wife. "

Children Olga Slutcker, famous athletes and owners of a network of fitness clubs, were also born with surrogate mothers. First, the son of Mikhail appeared to the world, five years later - daughter Anya. For this, Slucker had to go beyond the ocean, to America: at that time in Russia, surrogate motherhood was an awesome thing. There she personally met a woman who agreed to endure her child. Later, Olga was present in childbirth, and then she was still a legitimate spouse Vladimir personally cut the umbilical.

But, of course, the most famous children from the surrogate mother will grow up with Philip Kirkorov. In November last year he was born a daughter, which Alla Victoria was called, and this summer - the son, whose name the singer still keeps in secret. In general, Philip, usually such talkative, unexpectedly turned out to be a man who can keep secrets. After all, he until the last moment hid from all the fact that he turned to the services of a surrogate mother.

The public, as expected, responded ambiguously. Some sincerely pleased with the singer, others collapsed with curses. "In the entire Western world, surrogate motherhood is a toy for rich elderly homosexuals. Church against such a way to appear a child. It is a sin!" - Peacon Andrei Kuraev was indignant in the press.

Nicole Kidman and Kit Urban with daughters Faith and Sanday Rose. Photo: Rex Features /

Indeed, in the star list of celebrities, resolved to become parents with the help of a surrogate mother, there are those whom Kurayi Kurayov branded. Yes, and not only he. Psychologists are also perplexed: what is the future of kids in same-sex families? But the newly new parents do not listen to anyone and enjoy the joy of paternity (and motherhood at the same time?). So, Elton John and his partner David Fernish grows the son of Zakari Jackson Livon. The child appeared accuracy for Christmas - such a gift came to the holiday. Moreover, the couple personally attended childbirth and watched each moment of this mysterious process. "In the ward we got up next to the bed. First, the head of our son appeared on the world, then everything happened very quickly. It even seemed to us that the baby flew out like a rocket. You do not even imagine how it was exciting! "

Of course, the society will still be suspicious of this phenomenon. In addition to the moral side of the case there are a number of psychological problems, the consequences of which have not yet been studied. So, it is known that the child almost from the first days of conception, being in wise, feels the mood of his mother, her joy and sadness. And science can not yet answer the question of how the baby will affect the psyche that a woman who drowshes him belongs to him as a sale facility. It is deprived of the first, such an important bodily contact with a biological mother immediately after delivery. She does not put a baby to his chest, he does not feel the smell of her skin. He immediately gets into caring, relatives, but still "third" hands ...

However, on another cup of scales, a whole army of childless families, who desperately dream of becoming mothers and dads. According to statistics, about twenty percent of married couples do not have a natural ability to the birth of children. Moreover, often the reasons for their infertility are not installed, because in all indicators both parents are absolutely healthy. And surrogate maternity for them is the only opportunity to have heirs. Let even such an unusual and controversial way.

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