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Biorevitalization today took one of the main places in the field of anti-air procedures. Its popularity is due to the fact that the return of youth occurs naturally.

At first glance, the terrible word becomes friendly and understandable if you disassemble it in parts. Bio, Re, Vita - Natural Return of Life. First of all, there is a conversation here about our skin, it is her and we will return life. But how does this process take place, and why is it considered natural? We will talk about this more.

From artificially to natural

Let's start with the fact that it will be a serious misconception that biorevitalization is linked exclusively with hyaluronic acid injections. Modern preparations are peculiar cosmetic cocktails and include antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. However, the main component is still hyaluronic acid, so necessary to our skin.

Hyaluronic acid is contained in various tissues of our organism, including in the skin. It is responsible for taking water, and also participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which, in turn, give the skin elasticity and elasticity.

But in the process of aging of the skin, which, by the way, is due not only to age, but also the presence of bad habits, disruption of the power mode, psychological state, - the production of hyaluronic acid in the body is reduced. As a consequence, the amount of bound water in the skin decreases, which leads to dryness. The skin loses elasticity, wrinkles appear.

This is where biorevitalization is needed! As a result of the procedure, hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. At the same time, its disadvantage is not only rebuilt, but the natural processes of its development are restarted, which extends the effect of the procedure. This is the most natural way, the natural mechanism of rejuvenation is included. The extension of the effect also contributes to the use of artificial hyaluronic acid, the decay period in the body of which longer. Due to this, the Biorevitalization rate will last until the year. If desired, then the procedure can be repeated.

Essence of the procedure

Biorevitalization is applicable primarily to eliminate signs of aging of the skin, and most effective for women aged from 30 to 50 years. Previously, the body still copes with the production of hyaluronic acid at the expense of its own resources. If you start later than this age, the impact will not be so noticeable, but you can also achieve a certain improvement.

Thus, biorevitalization allows you to get rid of:

- dry skin;

- insufficient elasticity and elasticity;

- acne;

- dark circles under the eyes;

- Skin pigmentation.

At the same time, the conversation is about all skin, be it face, hands, neck or other places. In this regard, biorevitalization is a universal method.

The procedure itself lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. The injection is performed using a small diameter needle, but, like any invasive procedure, may be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Therefore, for women with increased skin sensitivity, creams with anesthetics are used. If it is very scary, you can ask the cosmetologist to add anesthetic to the drug itself to eliminate any unpleasant feeling. But in most cases, such a measure will be unnecessary.

The number of injections is determined by the needs of a woman. After the procedure, some restrictions should be observed, in particular, do not use the makeup, do not visit the bath or sauna in the coming days, do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin will look not in the best way, but after two or three days a noticeable effect will appear. Over time, as a result of the connection of natural rehabilitation mechanisms, it will only increase. However, for a strong result, a biorevitalization rate is required of 2-5 procedures with a periodicity of 2-4 weeks. The required number of sessions will determine the specialist, depending on the age of women and the individual characteristics of its body.

Of course, biorevitalization has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation period, viral or fungal skin infections, the presence of autoimmune diseases, as well as individual intolerance to some drugs.

Is it possible to do without injections?

Modern cosmetology allows you to do without injection. This is possible due to the laser biorevitalization technique. During this procedure, invasive intervention does not occur, therefore, no anesthesia is required. A special gel based on hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin. The required effect is achieved as a result of the impact on it with a laser. The advantage of this procedure is its absolute painlessness. The result will be achieved faster, with no recovery period for the skin.

On the other hand, in this way it is impossible to penetrate the deep layers of the skin, in this regard, injecting biorevitalization is much more efficient as it causes great popularity. In addition, the procedure using a laser is much more expensive, because in this case it is necessary expensive equipment. Thus, the choice of a method of biorevitalization remains for a woman, depending on its needs.

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