What is the cause of human suffering


Development is the main law of the universe. All that surrounds us is constantly developing and improving. Most people do not want to consciously develop, and this is a source of most of the vital trouble.

This is due to the peculiarities of the brain, it is eager for stability and tries with all their mights to stay in the comfort zone. But before a person, the task of conscious development is reasonable, and even with some advance in all areas. After all, the one who today does not have time to develop new technologies, computer programs, falls out of society, it is elementary difficult to find a decent job. When a person comes into a contradiction with a developing reality, it begins to build the soul "hard format" to make a restructuring of a passive life position.

Polina Sukhova.

Polina Sukhova.

Materials press services

What happens to man if he ignores the evolution? Case of life. An ordinary family: husband, wife and adult child, married more than 25 years. The spouse has developed huge steps in the knowledge of himself and the universe: books, courses, trainings, spiritual practices, plus grew in their specialization, finance grew. In short, it became a harmonious and successful person.

The wife in his intellectual and spiritual development lagged behind him on many steps, even spans. I lived on primitive needs: clothes, cooking, serials, gossip with girlfriends ... In addition, around some "bastards and crooks that only harvested."

The abyss between the reality of the spouses grew. The husband hardly tried to pull it out, sincerely tried to establish complex relations, believing in the best outcome. The wife sent him with all his psychology and other spirituality far to Cassiopeia, it was quite satisfied with this swamp. Seeing the degradation of the person, the love of her husband to the wife of Gasla, he could not stand and left. For a woman it became a shock. One old age remained. The child escaped from the house from the unbearable suffering of the mother. Her health from stress sharply fall apart. Due to the constant mental disruptions, she was fired from work. Suddenly, her elderly father, with whom they from childhood "on the knives", had worsened health, had to take him to himself and care. Overnight collapsed all spheres of life. She stayed at the broken trough, on the side of life, why? The universe made a hard format because she stopped in development.

Having addressed from the surrounding social reality, a person begins to be offended by the fact that he has fallen behind the fatal life. In psychology it is called "projection". The spiritual and evolutionarily immature man is guilty all around, besides him. This is a loophole for a person stipped in its development, and this is the state of the victim.

Remember, if reality does not correspond to your expectations, first of all it is necessary to consciously develop: improve yourself and improve the quality of society through their specialization, because today the evolutionary process continues at an accelerated pace. Who understood it, he will collect all the benefits of the world.

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