Not time to wait: Symptoms that talk about problems with women's organs


In the fuss of our life, we think about yourself in the last place, however, such an attitude to their own health can lead to sad consequences - not all diseases "suffer" for too long. It is always easier to prevent the disease than long and tedious to fight it. Today we have collected the basic female problems that cannot be ignored, and with the presence of which the specialist consultation is required.

Abundant monthly / too short cycle

Such symptoms most often indicate the presence of a benign tumor in the uterus. It is formed from muscle fibers and is a consequence of blood stagnation due to a low-lifting lifestyle or hormonal imbalance. Mioma is often formed in the most reproductive period - from 20 to 45 years old, it may not manifest itself, only worsened by menstruation. If you are worried too short or on the contrary a long cycle, it is important to appeal to your doctor and do it as quickly as possible.

Do not ignore unpleasant symptoms

Do not ignore unpleasant symptoms


Blood selection after sexual intercourse

Typical symptom of endocervicosis - erosion of the cervix. According to statistics, approximately half of the female population of our country faces this problem. What is erosion? This is a defect of the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix, the inflammatory process is started when infection. The surface of the mucosa is taken offense that delivers extremely unpleasant sensations of the woman itself. Often erosion will heal independently, however, in the presence of unpleasant sensations and sharp pain, it is important to immediately turn to a specialist.

Itching in the vagina region, unpleasant smell

Candidiasis can not be called a dangerous disease, but it can spoil both the usual and intimate life of a woman. With thrush faced every second woman in the world. As a rule, the mushrooms of the genus Candida fall into the body at birth, the exacerbation occurs during the periods when our immunity is weakened. Problems begin when pain occurs during sexual intercourse or woman is experiencing unbearable itching, in this case it is important to contact your doctor in time.

Strong pain during menstruation / abundant discharge during menstruation / blood clots for menstruation

Probably the most unpleasant and dangerous disease for women - endometriosis. The reasons for its appearance are never installed by experts, but in any case the problem requires a speedy solution. Endometriosis is found in women in reproductive age - about 40 years.

Endometriosis is dangerous in that it can violate the function not only by sex, but also organs located near the uterus: one of the features of the disease is the ability to make changes to the cells of neighboring organs, making them any activity. The intestine is most often suffering. The growth of endometrial leads to strong discomfort, the menstrual cycle is broken, pain appears during intercourse. In the most neglected case, an operation was shown to remove the affected organ, and therefore be careful to its body and react any unpleasant symptoms.

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